jesus could not have existed, page-345

  1. 5,014 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 152
    " Who were the christians that papal rome burnt at the stake for having a biblical belief"?
    This one I don't know you tell me

    You say " You see,your one size fits all mentality just dosent add up chronologically does it? " and you say there is relevance? I say you are grossly mistaken, explain the relevance of the above with my statement and your sword.

    igilug said, Explain to me where your question fits my previous post.

    You say " ok,you claim christianity had its beginnings with constantine as a hybrid religion "
    So Christianity did become the official religion and I did not say that its beginnings were from Constantine read the thread please.

    You say " Yes pagan christianity did,pagan rome,became papal rome"
    Give me the exact cut and paste with all the words not the ones which suit you best, you are chewing them up.

    "You see,your one size fits all mentality just dosent add up chronologically does it?" Chronologically you say? Read what I stated not the words that suit you best, I stated as follows, the incorporation of Christianity as an official religion does not imply that Christianity was born on Constantines official incorporation as pope

    You say "This is what you and so many people see as christianity,and mock its beliefs because you know that came from paganism, I say totally false assuming that I and some are that dumb.

    You say "But what yourself and many others make the mistake of doing,is assuming this is the only origin,and only type of christianity that exists,it is not, ok again false and do tell me what am I assuming that you say I am?

    You say " Jewish people who accepted jesus of nazereth as the messiah,
    became known as christians,ie,followers of christ " so what any one knows that

    You say "This was the apostolic church that had its basis in the scriptures,these people existed long before the people you talk about in constantines day" and....

    You say "The people persecuted by papal rome were the albergensis,waldenses,and many more of the swiss italian and french alps,who refused to submit to the pagan teachings and origins of the papacy,their heritage is from completely differant origins than you name,and they have a completely differant belief than the pagan beliefs you assume as what all christians must believe with your one size fits all assumptions of origins and beliefs,these people were protestant believers who were killed simply for not bowing down to the church and state religion of the day" you have derailed the discussion by assuming what I or others may or not think, just because

    "I do not take offence easily but try not to do the same"

    You say "I dont take offense at you personally,but i do take offense in some people holding such strong oppinions on subjects they clearly know little about,and promoting strawmen arguments that mislead people into thinking what they misrepresent about something i hold dear because of the freedoms that were bought in regards to religous liberty of certain countries because of the brave stand these people took ,we owe our freedoms too

    remember america was founded by the people who fled this same type of persecution from the same power,so that we all now enjoy religous and secular freedom away from this abhorrent church and state power that still exists today"

    My dear friend, "look,if you had analysed the beginning of the thread from where you decided to attach yourself to a speeding bullet"
    You would have noted that part of your accusations in my so called assumptions and being a straw man depends entirely on the points which you have failed to view in an effective manner.

    There fore look ahead and don't assume just because, intelligence is based on not what we know but how we can defeat our own ignorance in order to survive a better understanding of ourselves. In that course we can meditate and develope a better position for introspection. As introspection allows us to look within and challenge our very existence
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