jesus loves you, page-1025

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Dark matter was hypothesised to account for what appears to be missing matter in the universe.

    It is a concept that can be confirmed if it exists because of the gravitational effect it would have if it existed.
    The Dark Matter Mystery: Gravitational Lensing

    There is evidence of the existence of dark matter through what is known as gravitational lensing. This video clip gives some insight into some of the discussion on dark matter.
    I don't see the need to call on faith when discussing dark matter. If it exists fine; if it doesn't also fine. The real point is that the existence of dark matter can be confirmed or refuted.
    I don't find it surprising that there are competing theories to the Big Bang theory, and in future some may well take priority over it (the Big Bang theory). It wasn't long ago that the Big Bang theory was dismissed.
    The scientific approach doesn't offer a smooth ride; the quest for understanding is full of road bumps and obstacles and does not provide certainty in any shape or form.

    The first sentence in the website that you provided is: Spontaneous creation by accident is absurd.
    This seems to be a sensible statement based on our experience of the macro-world. If the universe started with a Big Bang at the quantum level we have no first hand experience in the macro world to understand intuitively what is reasonable and what isn't at this level. The laws of cause and effect don't seem to apply at the quantum level making it a mysterious world for us whose experience is gained through the macro-world - a world in in which cause and effect are taken for granted; we can't do this for the quantum world.
    IMO this statement is itself absurd.

    "And prove that God exits or even provide a framework that can be confirmed or refuted and you will be more famous than Einstein.

    "I say, "without faith, it's impossible to please God"

    I have my proof, but it's too personal to share on this forum"

    I suspect that we see faith differently.
    To me faith is for practical purposed the same as hope.
    I hope that you are happy and content. I have no evidence (unless you provide it), but that doesn't stop me hoping.

    Faith for me is a belief in something for which there is no evidence which means I hardly use the word when talking about myself. I can't think of believing in anything in which I do so without evidence. The quality of the evidence depends on the situation and the need to be correct in what I believe.

    For example I would like more evidence that my wife loves me than I need for scientific theories. I think wanting to know with confidence that my wife loves me needs no explanation. In the case of scientific theories if one were to be proved to be wrong the impact on me would be practically zero. Science for me is an intellectual exercise; the love between my wife and I is much more than that.

    My understanding of God in scripture is that He is above the need to be pleased. He loves us unconditionally as shown by his sacrifice for us. That in a nutshell means that we all receive salvation. I know it's not a majority view, but as has been pointed out, a minority view is not necessary wrong.

    "I say,

    Whereu, I don't get upset with anyone who disagrees with me, I encourage open debate, I shout my points to emphasis my points, not because I'm upset,

    I do get upset (if that's the right word) if people misrepresent my position (which you never have)"

    Getting upset is rather pointless (message for me!)

    I think that for most people who misrepresent your position it is unintentional. There is an huge risk of being misunderstood. Some aspects are.

    • We don't always interpret the words in an identical way. An example is the use of the word faith.
    • We use a lot of idiom, figures of speech etc in English which opens up huge opportunities for misunderstanding.
    • Written communication misses the non-verbal element of communication, which would provide clues as to the level of seriousness intended, the intent to be humorous etc.

    "Me, my faith says that God created the universe,

    Scientists have faith in dark matter,

    both are examples of faith,"

    My understating is that you have reasons for the evidence of God which you can't disclose on a public forum. You say that it's you view that scientists have no proof of dark matter. Unless I misunderstand you I don't think you are saying that you likewise have faith in a God who created the universe based on no evidence.

    I could well have misunderstood this.

    In the mean time, thank you for the discussion.
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