How much proof do you need RM ??????????????? 1Tim 2:4-God will...

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    How much proof do you need RM ???????????????

    1. 1Tim 2:4-God will have all to be saved - Can His will be thwarted?
      2. 1Tim 2:4-God desires all to come to the knowledge of truth -
      Will His desire come to pass, or is it a WEAK WISH?
      3. 1Tim 2:6-Salvation of all is….testified in due time -
      Are we judging God before due time?
      4. Jn 12:47-Jesus came to save all -
      Will He succeed, or FAIL?
      5. Eph 1:11-God works all after the counsel of His will -
      Can our will overcome His?
      6. Jn 4:42-Jesus is Savior of the world -
      Can He be Savior of all without saving all?
      7. 1Jn 4:14-Jesus is Savior of the world -
      Why don't we BELIEVE it?
      8. Jn 12:32-Jesus will draw all mankind unto Himself -
      To burn or to love?
      9. Col 1:16-By Him all were created -
      Will He lose a part of His creation?
      10. Rm 5:15-21-In Adam all condemned, in Christ all live -
      The same ALL?
      11. 1Cor 15:22-In Adam all die, in Christ all live -
      Again, the same ALL?
      12. Eph 1:10-All come into Him at the fulness of times -
      Are YOU tired of seeing the word, ALL?
      13. Phil 2:9-11-Every tongue shall confess Jesus is Lord -
      Will the Holy Spirit be given to everyone?
      14. 1Cor 12:3-Cannot confess except by Holy Spirit -
      See what I mean?
      15. Rm 11:26-All Israel will be saved -
      But most Jews don't believe yet!
      16. Acts 3:20, 21-Restitution of all -
      How plain can you get?
      17. Luke 2:10-Jesus will be joy to all people -
      Is there joy in Satan’s "hell"?
      18. Heb 8:11, 12-All will know God -
      How long will you tarry, O Lord?
      19. Eph 2:7-His grace shown in the ages to come -
      Have we judged Him before the coming age?
      20. Titus 2:11-Grace has appeared to all -
      Experientially or Prophetically?
      21. Rm 8:19-21-Creation set at liberty -
      How much of creation? After those who have the firstfruits of the spirit?
      22. Col 1:20-All reconciled unto God -
      There's that word "ALL" again.
      23. 1Cor 4:5-All will have praise of God -
      What for?
      24. Jms 5:11-End of the Lord is full of mercy -
      Is eternal "hell" merciful?
      25. Rev 15:4-All nations worship when God's judgments are seen -
      Could His judgment be mercy?
      26. Rm 11:32-All subject to unbelief, mercy on all -
      27. Rm 11:36-All out of, through, and into Him -
      ALL into Him?
      28. Eph 4:10-Jesus will fill all things -
      does this include "hell?"
      29. Rev 5:13-All creation seen praising God -
      Including Satan? All creation!
      30. 1Cor 15:28-God will be all in all -
      What does that mean?
      31. Rev 21:4, 5-No more tears, all things made new -
      ALL made new? Or few? Are you crying still?
      32. Jn 5:25-All dead who hear will live -
      How many will hear?
      33. Jn 5:28-All in the grave will hear & come forth -
      How will the "righteous" Judge, judge?
      34. 1 Cor 3:15-All saved so as by fire -
      How can FIRE save you?
      35. Mk 9:49-Everyone shall be salted with fire -
      Including you?
      36. Rm 11:15-Reconciliation of the world -
      Will fire save?
      37. 2Cor 5:15-Jesus died for ALL -
      Did He die in vain?
      38. Jn 8:29-Jesus always does what pleases His Father -
      What pleases the Father? (1Tim 2:4)
      39. Heb 1:2-Jesus is Heir of all things -
      Does "things" include people? YES.
      40. Jn 17:2-Jesus gives eternal life to all that His Father gave Him -
      How many did the Father give Him?
      41. Jn 3:35-The Father gave Him all things -
      (Repeated for emphasis) Study the word "things”.
      42. 1 Tim 4:9-11-Jesus is Savior of all -
      Can't seem to get away from that word "all."
      43. Heb. 7:25-Jesus is able to save to the uttermost -
      How far is "uttermost?"
      44. 1Cor 15:26-Last enemy, death, will be destroyed -
      In the "lake of fire" which is the “second” death. No more dying (Rev 21:4, Isa. 25:8 )?
      45. Is 46:10-God will do all His pleasure -
      Does Old Testament agree with the New?
      46. Gen 18:18-All families of the earth will be blessed -
      Here comes that word "all" again.
      47. Dan 4:35-God's will done in heaven and earth -
      What can defeat His will?
      48. Ps 66:3, 4-Enemies will submit to God -
      Can any stay rebellious?
      49. Ps 90:3-God turns man to destruction, and then says return -
      How can one return from "destruction”? Humbled, bruised and ashamed?
      50. Is 25:7-Will destroy veil spread over all nations -
      All nations?
      51. Deut 32:39-He kills and makes alive -
      Kills to bring life?
      52. Ps 33:15-God fashions all hearts -
      "All" hearts, including men like "Hitler"?
      53. Prv 16:9-Man devises, God directs his steps -
      What about "free will"?
      54. Prv 19:21-Man devises, but God's counsel stands -
      So much for "free will."
      55. La 3:31, 32-God will not cast off forever -
      Why does He cast off in the first place?
      56. Is 2:2-All nations shall flow to the Lord's house -
      ALL nations?
      57. Ps 86:9-All nations will worship Him -
      ALL nations!
      58. Is 45:23-All descendants of Israel justified -
      Including the wicked ones?
      59. Ps 138:4-All kings will praise God -
      Are you catching on?
      60. Ps 65:2-4-All flesh will come to God -
      That sounds wondrous.
      61. Ps 72:18-God only does wondrous things -
      I wish we would BELIEVE that.
      62. Isa 19:14, 15-Egypt & Assyria will be restored -
      63. Ezk 16:55-Sodom will be restored to former estate -
      Sounds impossible.
      64. Jer 32:17-Nothing is too difficult for Him -
      Nothing? No, nothing!
      65. Ps 22:27-All ends of the earth will turn to Him -
      For what purpose?
      66. Ps 22:27-All families will worship before Him -
      Praise His name!
      67. Ps 145:9-He is good to all -
      Including your worst enemies.
      68. Ps 145:9-His mercies are over all his works -
      Let's start believing that.
      69. Ps 145:14-He raises all who fall -
      Who hasn't sinned?
      70. Ps 145:10-All His works will praise Him -
      For "eternal torment"?
      71. Is 25:6-Lord makes a feast for all people -
      And you are invited.
      72. Jer 32:35-Never entered His mind to torture his children with fire.-
      This came from the carnal mind, NOT SPIRITUAL.
      73. Jn 6:44-No one can come to Him unless He draws (drag) them. -
      You can't "choose" to follow Him, SELF-DETERMINATION.
      74. Jn 12:32-I will draw all mankind unto Myself -
      75. Ps 135:6-God does what pleases Him -
      If it PLEASES Him to SAVE ALL that He might be in all, are you upset?

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