And you just did. And because you are ignorant that you couldn't...

  1. 18,601 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2629
    And you just did.

    And because you are ignorant that you couldn't do a search, here it is. The whole Act as Gazetted on 16 Sept 1925.

    PDF is too big to attach.

    The day of July, 1925.
    Lord President. Chancellor of the Duchy of
    Duke of Athol]. Lancaster.
    Earl of Crawford and Hon. Sir Ronald Lindsay,
    WHEREAS by treaty, capitulation, grant, usage, sufferance
    and other lawful means His Majesty has power and jurisdiction
    within Palestine:
    AND WHEREAS it is desirable to regulate the grant and
    acquisition of Palestinian citizenship:
    NOW THEREFORE, Mis Majesty by virtue and in exercise of the powers in this behalf by the Foreign Jurisdiction
    Act 1890, or otherwise, in His Majesty vested, is pleased by
    and with the advice of His Privy Council, to order, and it is
    hereby ordered as follows : -
    PART L.
    Turkish subjects
    resident in Palestine to become
    ltight to opt for
    Turkish and
    other nationalities
    and conditions
    governing the
    1. (1) Turkish subjects habitually resident in the territory of Palestine upon the 1st day of August, 1925. shall
    become Palestinian citizens.
    (21 Any person over eighteen years of age who by
    virtue of this Article becomes a Palestinian citizen may within
    a period of two years from the 6th day of August, 1924, by
    declaration made as hereinafter provided state his option for
    Turkish nationality and subject to the provisions of this Article
    shall cease to be a Palestinian citizen :
    Provided that such person shall riot for the purposes
    of this Order he deemed to have ceased to be a Palestinian
    citizen unless and until lie has obtained a cert.ficate from such
    officer as may be prescribed by Regulation under this Order
    that he has transferred 'his place of residence from Palestine.
    (.'> Any person over eighteen years of age who by
    virtue of clause ( i ) of this Article becomes a Palestinian citizen
    and differs in race from the majority of the population of Palestine may in the like manner and subject to the same conditions opt for the nalionality of one of the Slates in which the
    majority of the population is of the same race as the person
    exercising the right to opt subject to the consent of that State
    and lie shall thereupon cease to be a Palestinian citizen.
    Acquisition of
    Palestinian citizenship by
    Turkish subjects
    born in Palestine
    and now resident
    2 Persons of over eighteen years of age who were
    born within Palestine and acquired on birth or subsequently
    and still possess Turkish nationality and on the 1st day of
    August 1925 are habitually resident abroad, may acquire Palestinian citizenship by opting in such manner as may be prescribed
    by Regulation under this Order, subject to the/consent of the
    Government of Palestine which may be granted or withheld
    in its absolute discretion :
    Provided that without prejudice to the foregoing
    provisions the consent of the Government of Palestine may be
    refused unless an agreement on the subject has been concluded
    between the said Government and the Government of the
    country where the person concerned is resident and shall be
    refused if the person desiring to opt possesses another nationality in addition to Turkish nationality. This right of option
    must be exercised within two years of the corning into force
    of this Order.
    PART 11.
    3. Subject to the provisions of Part 1 of this Order the
    following persons shall he deemed lo he Palestinian citizens:-
    (a) Any person born in lawful matrimony within
    Palestine whose father* at the time of such person's birth was
    a Palestinian citizen.
    (b) Any person born in lawful matrimony out of
    Palestine whose father was a Palestinian citizen at the time of
    that person’s birth and was either born within Palestine or
    had obtained a certificate of naturalisation, or who had acquired
    Palestinian citizenship under Article 1 or Article 5 of this
    (c) Any person horn whether in or out of lawful
    matrimony within Palestine who does not by his birth or by subsequent legitimation acquire the nationality of any other- State
    or whose nationality is unknown.
    4. (1) Any person over 18 years of age, who, within
    two years from the date at which this Order comes into force,
    by declaration made as hereinafter provided states his desire
    to become a Palestinian citizen and salislies the authority before whom the declaration is made that lie fulfils the following
    conditions, namely:
    (a) That the declarant was born within Palestine
    and acquired on birth or subsequently and still possesses
    Turkish nationality: and
    (b) Thai the declarant shall have been resident within
    Palestine for not less than six months immediately prior to the
    date of making such declaration: and
    (e) That the declaraut has not, while resident in
    any country other than Palestine acquired - any foreign nationality may, subject to the approval of the High Commissioner
    acquire Palestinian citizenship,
    and the High Commissioner may grant lo such
    a person a certificate of Palestinian citizenship.
    (2) A person by whom a declaration has been made,
    and lo whom a certificate of Palestine citizenship has heen
    granted, in accordance with the provisions of Hi is Article shall
    be deemed to be a Palestinian citizen from the dale of such
    5. (1) Persons who have made a declaration of their
    intention to opt for Palestinian citizenship in accordance with
    Article 2 of the Palestine .Legislative Council Flection Order,
    4922, and have received provisional certificates of Palestinian
    citizenship and have, since declaring their intention to opt. for
    Palestinian citizenship, been ordinarily resident in Palestine
    shall he deemed to have made a declaration under Article 4
    of this Order and shall, subject to the approval of the High
    Commissioner, be deemed to be entitled lo acquire Palestinian
    citizenship under that Article, and the High Commissioner may
    grant to such persons certificates of Palestinian citizenship.
    (2) A person by whom a declaration has been made.
    and to whom a certificate of Palestine citizenship has been
    granted, in accordance with the provisions of this Article shall
    he deemed to he a Palestinian citizen from the date of -such
    (j. For the purpose of Parts .1 and II of this Order the
    status of a married woman will be governed by that of her
    husband and the status of children who have not* attained the
    age of majority by that of their parents.
    PART ill.
    7. (1) The High Commissioner may grant a certificate
    of naturalisation as a Palestinian citizen to any person who
    makes application therefor and who satisfies him
    (a) ’Thai he has resided in Palestine for a period
    not less than two years on I. of the three years immediately
    preceding the date of his application.
    (b) Thai he is of good character and has an
    adequate knowledge of either the English, the Arabic or the
    Hebrew language.
    (c) Thai he intends, if his application is granted, to
    reside in Palestine.
    (2) A certificate of naturalisation shall not take effect until the applicant has taken the oatli of allegiance in the
    form stated in the Schedule to this Order:
    Provided that any person authorised to make a solemn
    affirmation or declaration instead of taking an oath may make
    such affirmation or declaration in lien of such oath.
    (M) The gran I of a certificate of naturalisation shall be
    in the absolute discretion of the High Commissioner, who may
    with or without assigning any reason give or withhold the
    certificate as he thinks most conducive to the public good ; and
    no appeal shall lie from his decision.
    (4) In the case of a woman who was a Palestinian
    citizen previously to her marriage to an alien and whose husband has died or whose marriage lias been dissolved, the requirements as to residence prescribed in clause (1) (a) of this
    Article shall not apply.
    (5) The High Commissioner may in any. special
    case, if lie thinks (it. grant a certificate of naturalisation,
    although the two years' residence has not been within the last
    three years immediately preceding the date of the application.
    8. A person to whom a certificate of naturalisation is
    granted by the High Commissioner shall, subject to the provisions of this Order, be entitled to all political and other
    rights, powers and privileges and he subject to all obligations,
    duties and liabilities to which a Palestinian citizen is entitled
    or subject.
    9. (T) Any child under the age of majority of ft person
    applying for a certificate of naturalisation may with the approval
    of the High Commissioner be included by name in the certificate of naturalisation granted to his parent and shall thereupon
    become a Palestinian citizen :
    Provided that any such child may within- twelve
    months after attaining his majority make a declaration of alienage and shall thereupon cease to be a Palestinian citizen.
    46th. September, 4925. OFFICIAL GAZETTE 463
    (2) The High Commissioner may in any special
    case grant a certificate of naturalisation to any minor whether
    or not the conditions required by tins Order have been complied with.
    i (3) Except as otherwise provided in this Order a
    certificate of naturalisation shall not be granted to any person
    under disability.
    40. (4) Where it appears to tire High Commissioner
    that a certiorate of naturalisation granted by him has been
    obtained by false representation or fraud or by concealment of
    material circumstances, or I hat the person to whom the certificate is granted has, since the grant, been for a period of not
    less than 3 years ordinarily resident out of Palestine, or has
    shown himself by act or speech disaffected, or disloyal to the
    Government of Palestine, the High Commissioner may subject
    to the approval of one of His Majesty’s Principal Secretaries of
    State by order revoke the certificate, and (he order of revocation shall have effect from such date as the High Commissioner may direct.
    (2) The High Commissioner may for the like reasons
    and subject to the like approval annul a declaration of acquisition or retention of Palestinian citizenship made under the
    provisions of this Order, and the effect of such annulment shall
    be the same as that provided by Article If of this Order in
    the case of the revocation of a certificate of naturalisation.
    (3) Where the High Commissioner revokes a certificate of naturalisation or annuls a declaration he may order
    the certificate of naturalisation or any documentary evidence of
    the acceptance of the declaration to be given up and cancelled
    and any person refusing or neglecting to give up the certificate
    or documents shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding one hundred Egyptian pounds.
    44. (4) Where a certificate of naturalisation is revoked
    the High Commissioner may by order direct that the wife and
    minor children (or any of them) of the person whose certificate
    is revoked shall cease to be Palestinian citizens, arid any such
    person shall thereupon become an alien; but except when the
    High Commissioner directs as aforesaid, the nationality of the
    wife and minor children of the person whose certificate is
    revoked shall not be affected by the revocation, and they shall
    remain Palestinian citizens :
    Naturalisation of
    Persons under
    disability not
    eligible for
    Revocation of
    Annulment of
    acquisition of
    Certificates and
    documents to be
    returned in case
    of revocation or
    Effect of revocation of {certificate
    of naturalisation.
    Provided Lhal :—
    Provided Lhal :—
    (a) it shall be lawful for the wife of any such person within six months after the date of the order of revocation
    to make a declaration of alienage, and thereupon she and any
    minor children of her husband and herself shall cease to he
    Palestinian citizens, and shall become aliens; arid
    (b) the High Commissioner shall not make any
    such order as aforesaid in the case ol a wife who was at birth
    a Palestinian citizen, unless lie is satisfied that if sire had helda certificate of naturalisation in her own rigid, the certificate
    could properly have been revoked under I his order.
    (2) The provisions of this Article shall as respects
    persons affected thereby, have effect in substitution for any
    other provisions of this Order as to -the effect upon the wife
    and children of any person where the person ceases to be a
    Palestinian citizen and such other provisions shall accordingly
    not apply in any such case.
    -464 OFFICIAL GAZETTE Kith. September, 1925,
    (3) Where a certificate oj’ naturalisation is revoked
    the former holder thereof shall be regarded as an alien and
    as a subject of the State (n which he belonged at. the time the
    certificate was granted.
    I’ART IV.
    12. (1) The wife of a Palestinian citizen shall be deemed
    to be a Palestinian citizen and the wife of ari alien shall be
    deemed to be an alien:
    Provided that where a man ceases during the continuance of his marriage in be a Palestinian citizen save in the
    case provided for by Article 11 of this Order it shall be Jawfill for his wife to make a declaration as hereinafter provided
    that she desires to retain the status of Palestinian citizen and
    thereupon she shall be deemed to remain a Palestinian citizen.
    (2) Where the wife of an alien who was a Palestinian citizen previously 0 > her marriage is living apart from
    her husband in such circumstances that the separation may, in
    the opinion of the High Commissioner be presumed to be permanent, the High Commissioner may, if lie thinks lit, grant:
    her a certificate of naturalisation as if the marriage has been
    13. A woman who. having been a Palestinian citizen has by, or in consequence of, her marriage become an
    alien, shall not. by reason only of the death of her husband,
    or the dissolution of her marriage, cease to be an alien, and
    a woman, who. having I men an alien has by, or inconsequence
    of, her marriage become a Palestinian citizen, shall not by
    reason only of ihe death of her husband or the dissolution of
    her marriage cease to he a Palestinian citizen.
    14. (11 Where a person ceases to lie a Palestinian
    citizen, whether by declaration of alienage or otherwise, save in
    the case provided lor by Article 11 of this Order, every child
    of that person being' a minor shall thereupon cease to bo a
    Palestinian citizen, if such child has already obtained or obtains*
    on its parent, ceasing to be a Palestinian citizen, the nationality
    of some other country;
    Provided that, where a widow who is a Palestinian
    citizen marries an alien, any child of hers by her former busband shall net, by reason only of her marriage, cease to he a
    Palestinian citizen, whether he is residing outside Palestine or not.
    (21 Any child who has so ceased to lie a Palestinian citizen may, within one year after attaining his majority,
    make a declaration that he wishes to resume the status of
    Palestinian citizen, and shall thereupon become a Palestinian
    citizen from the date of such declaration.
    Lo.s.s of Palestinian citizenship.
    15. A Palestinian citizen who, when in any foreign Stale
    and not under disability, by obtaining a certificate of naturalisation or by any other voluntary and forma! act, becomes
    naturalised therein shall thenceforth be deemed to have ceased
    to be a Palestinian citizen.
    if). Any person who after the coming into force of this
    Order has by birth become a Palestinian citizen blit who at
    his birth or during his minority became under the law of any
    other Slate a national of that State and is still snob a national
    may if of full age and not under disability make a declaration
    of alienage arid on making such declaration shall cease to be a
    Palestinian citizen.
    Declarations of
    Stains of minor
    Status of
    married women.
    46th. September, 4925 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 465
    47. Where any Palestinian citizen ceases to be a Palestinian citizen he shall not thereby be discharged from any obligation, duty or liability in respect of any act done before be
    ceased to be a Palestinian citizen.
    18. A declaration of alienage or of acquisition, resumption or retention of Palestinian citizenship shall be made in
    Palestine before such officer as may be prescribed by Regulation under this Order or outside Palestine before an officer in
    the diplomatic or consular service of Great Britain.
    19. The High Commissioner may make regulations
    generally for carrying into effect the objects of the Order and
    in particular with respect to the following matters: -
    (a) The form and registration of certificates of naturalisation granted by the High Commissioner.
    (b) The form and registration of declarations of option
    for Turkish nationality or of alienage and declarations of acquisition, resumption or retention of Palestinian citizenship.
    (c) The fees to be paid in respect of any declaration or grant under this Order.
    20. Where in pursuance of this Order the name of a
    child is included in a declaration of acquisition of Palestinian
    citizenship or in a certificate of naturalisation, such child shall
    for the purpose of this Order be deemed to be a person who
    has acquired by declaration Palestinian citizenship or to whom
    a certificate of naturalisation has been granted as the case
    may be.
    21. For the purpose of this Order:
    (1) The expression “Palestine” includes the territories to which the mandate for Palestine applies, except such
    parts of the territory comprised in Palestine to the East of the
    Jordan and the Dead Sea as were defined by Order of the
    High Commissioner dated the 4 st September, 1922.
    (2) The expression “Palestinian citizen” means a
    person who is by birth or becomes by naturalisation or otherwise a Palestinian citizen.
    (3) The expression “Alien” means a person who is
    not a Palestinian citizen.
    (4) The expression “disability” means the status of
    being a married woman or a minor, lunatic or idiot, or otherwise legally incompetent.
    (5) The age of majority shall be taken to be 18
    years calculated according to the Gregorian calendar.
    22. If any person for any of the purposes of this Order
    knowingly makes any false representation or any statement
    false in a material particular, he shall, in Palestine, be liable
    on conviction in respect of such offence to imprisonment with
    or without hard labour for any term not exceeding three
    23. The powers of the High Commissioner under this
    Order, other than those conferred by Articles 10 and 24
    which shall be exerciseable by the High Commissioner alone,
    may be exercised by the High Commissioner or a person acting under his authority. The term “ High Commissioner” shall
    include every person for the time being administering the
    Government of Palestine.
    Persons ceasing
    to be Palestinian
    citizens not
    discharged from
    incurred prior to
    that date.
    Power of High
    Commissioner to
    make regulations.
    Status of children
    of persons acquiring Palestinian
    Penalty for
    making false
    Exercise of High
    24. The High Commissioner may by Proclamation in the Power to vary
    Gazette at any time within two years ” from the date of the tbis Order
    commencement of this Order and subject to his obtaining the
    previous approval of a Secretary of State vary, annul or
    add to any of the provisions of this Order in order to carry
    out the purposes of the same and may provide for any other
    matters necessary in order to carry into effect the provisions
    25. His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors in Council,
    may at any time revoke, alter or amend this Order.
    26. This Order shall come into force on the 1st day of
    August 1925.
    Title. 27. This Order shall be known as the Palestinian Citizenship Order 1925.
    M. P. A. HANKEY
    S C I f !•: I) U L E.
    “I, A. H., Swear by Almighty God that } will be. Faithful and Loyal
    to the Government of Palestine”.
    I. A declaration of option for Turkish nationality
    under Article 1 of the Order shall be in the following
    P alestinian C itizenship O rd er, 1925.
    I............................ of....'...................................
    being over eighteen years of age and habitually resident
    in the territory of Palestine having become in virtue of
    Article 1 of the above mentioned Order a Palestinian,
    hereby declare my option for Turkish nationality, i undertake to transfer my place of residence from Palestine
    before the (51:!> day of August, 1920.
    The names and ages of my wife and children who
    will accompany me out of Palestine and who will resume
    Turkish nationality are as follows:-
    Made and subscribed of
    before me
    Power of i-evocation etc. reserved
    to His Majesty.
    Date of coming
    into force.
    16th. September, 1925. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 467
    Form of declaration
    of option for other
    (Article 1 of Order).
    Form of application
    for Certificate of
    Palestinian citizenship to be made by
    natives of Palestine
    resident abroad.
    (Article 2 of Order).
    2. A declaration of option by a member of a minority
    nationality for a nationality other than Palestinian or
    Turkish, under Article 1 of the Order, shall be in the
    following form:-
    Palestinian Citizenship Order. 1925.
    l,_..........................................of................................. ........
    being over eighteen years of age and habitually resident
    in the territory of Palestine and being of the.......................
    race, having become in virtue of Article 1 of the abovementioned Order a Palestinian, hereby declare my option
    for..................... nationality and 1 undertake to transfer my place of residence from Palestine
    before the 6th day of August, 1926.
    The names and ages of my wife and children who
    will accompany me out of Palestine and who will assume
    nationality with me are as
    I have obtained the consent of the..........................
    Government to my assumption of................. nationality and
    produce in evidence thereof....................
    i am satisfied that the Declarant has obtained the
    consent, of the __ __ Government to his
    assumpIion of __ _______ nationality.
    Made and subscribed of.........
    before me
    (Signed) ...............................;.........
    3. An application for a certificate of Palestinian
    citizenship under Article 2 of the Order on the part of a
    native of Palestine resident abroad shall be made in the
    following form:-
    Palestinian Citizenship Order, 1925.
    i_......................................... of..... ....................
    having been horn within Palestine and being over eighteen
    years of age, hereby declare my option for Palestinian citizenship and apply for a certificale of Palestinian citizenship.
    I declare that 1 possess no nationality apart from
    Turkish and that the following particulars regarding myself
    are correct.
    1. Date of birth
    2. Place of birth
    3. Marriied or single
    4. Nationality at birth
    5. Race
    6. Religion
    7. Occupation ___
    8. I left Palestine on
    468 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 16th. September, 1925.
    9. Since that date I have been in Palestine
    for the following periods: -
    10- Mv places of residence, with dates, since
    leaving Palestine are as follows: -
    Tf applicable
    11. 1 intend to live in future in ......................
    12. I speak the......................................languages.
    13. My wife’s name, maiden name and age are
    14. My wife’s nationality before marriage was
    15. The names, sex, age and place of birth of
    my children a re ..............................................
    Those whose names are marked with a (x)
    are living with me now. They were educated
    16. I am personally known to the two undermentioned residents of Palestine who are
    prepared to support my application:
    (Date and place)
    Declaration to he
    made by persons of
    Turkish nationality
    resident in Palestine
    (Article 4 of Order).
    4. A declaration by a Turkish national resident in
    Palestine who desires to obtain Palestinian citizenship in
    accordance with Article 4 of the Order shall be made in
    the following form :-
    P alestinian C itizenship O rder, 1925.
    being above the age of eighteen years hereby apply tor a
    certificate of Palestinian citizenship. I declare (a) that I
    was born within Palestine and acquired at birth or subsequently and still possess Turkish nationality, (b) that I
    have been resident in Palestine for the six months immediately previous to the dale of this declaration and (c)
    that 1 have not, while resident in any other country than
    Palestine, acquired any foreign nationality.
    I further declare that the following particulars regarding myself are correct.
    1. Dale of birth.....................................................
    2. Place of b irth ....................................... _
    3. Married or single
    4. Nationality at b irth ........................................
    5. Occupation........................................................
    16th; September, 1925 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 4 m
    If applicable
    6. Wife’s name, maiden name and ag e ..........
    7. Nationality of wife before marriage
    8. Names, sex, ages and place of birth and
    residence of children
    9. I am personally known to the two undermentioned residents of Palestine who are
    prepared to support my application: -
    (Signed)............ ;.... ;............... .
    Made and subscribed this...................... day
    of before me
    .5. An application for a certificate of Palestinian
    citizenship to be made in accordance with Article 5 of
    the Order by a person to whom a provisional certificate
    of Palestinian citizenship has been issued shall be in the
    following form : -
    P alestinian C itizenship O rder, 1925.
    i...............................................of....................... ;................... •
    io whom the attached provisional certificate of Palestinian
    citizenship relates, hereby apply for Palestinian citizenship.
    I have been ordinarily resident in Palestine since October
    1922 and undertake on receipt of the certificate of Palestinian citizenship to surrender any passport or laissezpasser that may he held by me.
    I further declare that the following particulars regarding myself are correct.
    1. Dale of birth......................................................
    2 Married or single..........
    3. Nationality at birth..........................................
    4. Occupation........................................................
    5. Wife’s name, maiden name and age...........__
    6. Nationality of wife before marriage.............
    7. Names, sex, ages and place of birth and
    residence of children
    If applicable
    Form of application
    by a person who
    has received a provisional certificate
    of Palestinian
    (Article 5 of Order).
    470 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1 Oth September, 1925.
    Form of application
    for naturalisation
    as a Palestinian
    (Article 7 of Order).
    If applicable
    8. 1 am personally known to the two undermentioned residents of Palestine who art*
    prepared to support; my application:
    (Signed)......................... .... ............. .
    Made and subscribed
    of before me
    fi. An application for the grant of a certificate of
    naturalisation under Article 7 of the Order shall be
    as nearly as may be in the following form, subject to such
    variations therefrom as may from time to time be allowed
    by the High Commissioner either generally or in any
    particular case:-
    Palestinian Citizenship Order, 1925.
    being above the age of eighteen years (and (if a woman)
    unmarried or divorced) hereby apply for naturalisation as
    a Palestinian citizen and declare that if granted naturalisation I intend to reside permanently in Palestine. 1 undertake on receipt of a certificate of Palestinian citizenship
    to surrender any passport or laissez-passer that may be
    held by me, and to take an oath of allegiance to the
    Government of Palestine or a solemn affirmation or declaration in lieu thereof.
    1 further declare that the following particulars regarding myself ore correct..
    1. Place and date of birth....................................
    2. Nationality........................................................
    3. Married or single.............................................
    4. Nationality at birth...........................................
    5. Occupation
    6. Periods and places of residence in Palestine
    7. Wile’s name, maiden name and age
    8. Nationality of wife before marriage..............
    9. Names, sex, ages and place of birth and
    present residence of children___
    16th. September, 1925. OFFICIAL GAZETTE 471
    Form of declaration
    of alienage by the
    child of a naturalized Palestinian.
    (Article 9 of Order).
    Form of declaration
    •of alienage by the
    wi fe of a person
    whose naturalisation
    has been revoked.
    (Article'll of Order).
    10. J am personally known to the two undermentioned residents of Palestine who are
    prepared to support my application:
    (Signed) ......................... ............
    I am satisfied that the applicant can converse in
    either the English, the Arabic or the Hebrew language.
    Made and subscribed this ........... day of........
    before me
    7. A declaration of alienage under Article 9 of the
    Order by the child of a naturalised Palestinian shall be
    in the following form:—
    Palestinian Citizenship Order, 1925.
    Declaration of Alienage.
    I___________________ of_________ ___________
    being the son (daughter) of an alien to whom a certificate
    of naturalisation lias been granted, in which certificate of
    naturalisation, in accordance with Article 9 (J) of the
    above-mentioned Order, my name was included, and having attained my majority within one year before the present date,
    d<> hereby renounce my Palestinian citizenship.
    Made and subscribed this.._______ day
    of . before me
    Signed............... .................
    8. A declaration of alienage under Article 14 of the
    Order by the wife of a person whose naturalisation has
    been revoked shall be in the following form:—
    Palestinian Citizenship Order, 1925.
    Declaration of Alienage.
    I...................... .o f......................................................................................................................
    being the wile of______________ , a person
    whose certificate of naturalisation has been revoked within
    six months before the present date and being the moLher
    of the following minor children of the marriage of the
    said and myself namely,
    do hereby renounce my nationality as a Palestinian citizen.
    (Signed)................................... .....
    Made end subscribed this..........
    of before me.
    (Signed)___________ _____
    472 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 16th September, 1925*.
    Form of declaration
    of retention of Palestinian citizenship.
    (Article 12 of Order).
    Form of declaration
    of resumption of
    Palestinian citizenship.
    (Article 14 of Order).
    Form of certificate
    of citizenship issued
    to a native of
    (Articles 2, 4 and
    5 of Order).
    9. A declaration of retention of Palestinian nationality under Article 12 of the Order, by the wife of a
    man ceasing during the continuance of his marriage to be
    a Palestinian citizen, shall be in the following form:—
    Palestinian Citizenship Order 1925.
    Declaration of Retention of Palestinian Citizenship.
    I............................................. of....... ._................
    being the wife of................................ who, during the
    continuance of my marriage to him, namely, on or about
    the...................... of_____ __._______ 192......
    has ceased to be a Palestinian citizen, hereby declare that
    I desire to retain Palestinian citizenship.
    (Signed)............ ............... ................
    Made and subscribed this._____________ day
    of _ before me
    (Signed) _ .... ...... ........
    10. A declaration of resumption of Palestinian citizenship under Article 14 of the Order, by a person who
    has ceased to he a Palestinian citizen upon his parent,
    ceasing during the minority of that person to he a Palestinian citizen, shall be in the following form:—
    Palestinian Citizenship Order, 1925.
    Declaration of Resum ption of Palestinian
    1........................... ....................................................of......
    having ceased to be a Palestinian citizen during my
    minority, by reason of my father (mother) having ceased
    to be a Palestinian citizen, and having attained my
    majority within one year before the present date hereby
    declare that T wish to resume Palestinian citizenship.
    Made and subscribed this
    o f_ ... before me
    11. A certificate of Palestinian citizenship granted
    to a native of Palestine under Article 2, 4 or 5 of the
    Order shall he in one of the following forms:
    (A) Where the names of children
    are not included.
    Palestinian Citizenship Order, 1925.
    Certificate ot Citizenship.
    Whereas.......... ....... , hitherto a
    National has applied for a certificate of
    citizenship, alleging with respect to himself (herself) the
    particulars set out below, and has satisfied me that the
    conditions laid down in the above-mentioned Order for
    the grant of a certificate of citizenship are fulfilled in his
    (her) case:
    16th. September. 1925. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 473
    Now, therefore, in pursuance of the powers conferred by the said Order, I grant to the said ____
    this certificate of citizenship, and declare that he (she)
    shall, subject to the provisions of the said Order, be entitled to all political and other rights, powers and privileges, and be subject to all obligations, duties and liabilities, to which a Palestinian citizen is entitled or subject
    and have to all intents and purposes the status of a
    Palestinian citizen.
    In witness whereof I have hereto subscribed my
    name of...........
    (Signed) _ _ ........... .
    li'gh Commissioner.
    Particulars relating to applicant.
    Full name.........................................................................
    Trade or occupation...
    Place and date of birth
    Married, single, widower or \vidow_.........................
    Name of wile
    (H) Where the names of children
    are included.
    Palestinian Citizenship Order, 1925.
    Certificate of Citizenship.
    Whereas.................................... has applied for a certificate of citizenship, alleging with respect to himself
    (herself) the particulars set out below, and has satisfied
    me that the conditions laid down in the above-mentioned
    Order for the grant of a certificate of citizenship are fulfilled in his (her) case:
    And whereas the said has also
    applied for the inclusion of certain of Ids (her) children
    born before the date of tiiis certificate and being minors,
    and I. am satisfied that, the names of his (her) children,
    as hereinafter set out, may properly he included:
    Now, therefore in pursuance of die powers conferred by the said Order, 3 grant to the said
    this certificate of citizenship, and declare that lie (she)
    shall, subject l.o the provisions of the said Order, be entitled to all political and other rights, powers and privileges, and be subject to all obligations, duties and liabilities, to which a Palestinian citizen is entitled oi* subject,
    and have In all intents and purposes the status of a
    Palestinian citizen.
    And f further declare that this certificate extends to
    the following children, born before the date of this certificate and being minors, of the said :-
    (Here insert names and dates of
    birth of children)
    fn witness whereof 1 have hereto subscribed my
    name tiiis................ day of __
    High Commissioner.
    474 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 16th September, 1925.
    Particulars relating to Applicant.
    Full name...................................................................................
    Trade or occupation
    Place and date of birth.............................................................
    Married, single, widower, or widow......................
    Name of wife.............................................................................
    12. A certificate of naturalisation under Article 7
    of the Cider shall, save as otherwise hereinafter prescribed,
    be in one of tlie following forms:-
    (A) Where I he names of children
    are not included.
    Palestinian Citizenship Order, 1925
    Certificate o f Naturalisation.
    Whereas has applied for a
    certificate of naiuralisalion, alleging with respect to himself (herself) the particulars set out below, and has satisfied
    me that the conditions laid d w n in the above-mentioned
    Order for the grant of a certificate of naturalisation are
    fulfilled in his (her) case:
    Now, therefore, in pursuance of the powers conferred
    on me by the said Order, I grant to the said............ .....
    this certificate of naiuralisalion, and declare
    that he (she) shall, subject to the provisions of (he said
    Order, he entitled to all political and other rights, powers
    and privileges, and he subject to all obligations, duties and
    liabilities, to which a natural-born Palestinian citizen is
    entitled or suhjecl, and have to all intents and purposes
    the status of a natural-born Palestinian citizen.
    In witness whereof 1 have hereto subscribed my
    name this.................................... day of....................... ............
    High Commissioner.
    P articu lars relating to Applicant.
    Full name
    Trade or occupation.....
    Place and date of birth
    Married, single, widower, or widow
    Name of wife
    Form of certificate
    of naturalisation.
    (Article 7).
    46th. September, 1925. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 475
    (H) Where the names of children
    are included.
    Palestinian Citizenship Order, 1925.
    Certificate of Naturalisation.
    Whereas..............................................has applied for a
    certificate of naturalisation, alleging with respect to himself
    (herself) the particulars set out below, and has satisfied
    me that the conditions laid down in the above-mentioned
    Order for the grant of a certificate of naturalisation are
    fulfilled in his (her) case:
    And whereas flic said............................. has
    also applied for the inclusion of the names of certain of
    his (her) children born before the date of this certificate
    and being minors, and 1 am satisfied that the names of
    his (her) children, as hereinafter' set out, may properly
    be included:
    Now therefore, in pursuance of the powers conferred
    on me by the said Order, I grant to the said.....................
    this certificate of naturalisation, and declare that he (she)
    shall, subject to the provisions of the said Order, be
    entitled to all political and other rights, powers and privileges, and be subject to all obligations, duties and liabilities to which a natural-born Palestinian citizen is entitled
    or subject, and have to all intents and purposes the status
    of a natural-born Palestinian citizen.
    And 1 further declare that this certificate extends
    to the following children, born before the date of this
    certificate and being minors, of the said........................... :-
    (Here insert names and dates of birth of children).
    In witness whereof I have hereto subscribed my
    name this day of................................... .
    High Commissioner.
    Particulars relating to Applicant.
    Full nam e..................................................................
    Trade or occupation
    Place and date of birth.................................
    Married, single, widower, or widow....................
    Name of wife
    “Form of certificate
    of naturalisation
    for minors.
    (Article 0 (2)).
    iS. A certificate ol naturalisation granted to a minor
    under Article 9 (2) of the Order shall be in the following
    form :-
    Palestinian Citizenship Order, 1925.
    Certificate of Naturalisation granted to a Minor.
    Whereas an application lias been made for the grant.
    of a cer tificate of naturalisation to....................................
    a minor, alleging with respect to the said.......................... .
    the particulars set out below:
    And whereas I am satisfied that such a certificat
    may properly be granted:
    476 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 16th. September,- 1925.
    Officers before
    whom declarations
    under Article 4
    and 4 of the Order
    are to be made.
    Certificate of transfer of residence
    to a place outside
    (Article 4 (2)).
    Application by a
    resident abroad
    under Article 2
    shall be made to
    a British Consul.
    Applications under
    Articles 5 and 7.
    Now, therefore, in pursuance of the powers conferred on me by the above-mentioned Order, I grant to the
    said.............................. this certificate of naturalisation.
    and declare that he (she) shall, subject to the provisions
    of the said Order, he entitled to all political and other
    rights, powers and privileges, and he subject to ail obligations, duties and liabilities, to which a nalural-hom
    Palestinian citizen is entitled or subject, and have to alt
    intents and purposes the slntus of a natural horn Palestinian
    In witness whereof I have hereto subscribed my
    name of....................................
    High Commissioner
    Particulars relating to Applicant
    Full name
    Trade or occupation........................................................
    Place and dace of birth
    44. A declaration of option for Turkish or other
    nationality under Article 1 of the Order or a declaration
    by a Turkish national under Article 4 of the Order shall
    he made before' the Controller of the Permits Section of
    the Palestine Secretarial, or a District. Commissioner or an
    Assistant District Commissioner or a District Officer of the
    Administrative .Service of Palestine, by whom the declaration shall be signed. The declaration shall he forwarded to the said Controller for record.
    45. An application for the certificate of transfer o f
    residence to a pl ace outside Palestine, which is required by
    Article 4 (2) of the Order, shall he made to a British
    consular olfirer stationed in the eouniry to which the
    applicant has transferred his place of residence; and the
    said certificate shall be in flie following form:-
    { His Britannic
    Majesty's Consul a t ................................................................,
    hereby certify that
    has produced evidence satisfactory to me that he has
    transferred his place of residence from Palesline to
    '16. An application for a certificate of Palestinian
    citizenship under Article 2 of the Order shall be made
    on a form to he obtained from a British Consul-General,
    Consul or Vice-Consul to whom the form, when completed, shall be handed lor transmission to the High Commissioner through official channels.
    47. An application for Palestinian citizenship under
    Article 5 of the Order and an application for naturalisation under Article 7 of the Order shall be made direct
    to the Controller of the Permits Section, Palestine Sec-
    10th. September, 1925. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 477
    Declarations of alienage, retention
    and resumption of
    Palestinian citizenship under Articles
    9,11,12 and U .0
    Method of delivery
    of certificate of citi-
    •zenship granted
    under Article 2.
    Adequate knowledge of language.
    (Article 7 (1) (b) ).
    Registration of certificates of naturalisation and oaths of
    allegiance or
    solemn affirmations.
    Oath of allegiance
    by whom administered. (Article 7(2)).
    retariat, Jerusalem, or through a District Commissioner or an
    Assistant District Commissioner or a District Officer of the
    Administrative Service of Palestine by whom the application shall be countersigned.
    18. A declaration of alienage under Article 9 or
    Article 11 of the Order, a declaration of retention of
    Palestinian citizenship under Article 12 of the Order or
    a declaration of resumption of Palestinian citizenship under
    Article 14 of the Order shall be made before the Controller of the Permits Section, Palestine Secretariat, Jerusalem,
    or a District Commissioner or an Assistant District Commissioner or a District Officer of the Administrative Service of
    Palestine. The declaration shall be forwarded to the
    Controller of the Permits Section at Jerusalem for record.
    19. A certifiicate of citizenship granted to a person
    resident outside Palestine shall be forwarded to the Secretary
    of State for the Colonies for disposal, save that where the
    person to whom the certificate is granted is resident in
    Syria or Egypt, the certificate may be forwarded for disposal to the British Consul stationed nearest to the
    person’s residence.
    20. Knowledge of either the English, Arabic or
    Hebrew language shall be tested by the officer to whom
    the application is made as prescribed in Regulation 17
    who if satisfied that the applicant can converse in any one
    of the three languages selected by Ihe applicant shall
    certify to that effect.
    21. Every certificate of naturalisation granted by the
    High Commissioner and every oatli of allegiance or solemn
    affirmation relating to any such certificate shall be registered in the Permits Section of the Palestine Secretariat.
    22. (1) The following persons may administer the
    oath of allegiance or accept a solemn affirmation in lieu
    The Controller of the Permits Section, Palestine
    Secretariat, Jerusalem or a District Commissioner or an
    Assistant District Commissioner oi a District Officer of the
    Administrative Service of Palestine or any officer for the
    time being authorised by law to administer an oath for
    any judicial purpose.
    (2) The oath of allegiance or solemn affirmation shall be subscribed as well as taken, and the form
    in which it is subscribed and attested shall be as follows:—
    (a) Oath of Allegiance.
    I__............................... swear by Almighty
    God that I will be faithful and loyal to the Government
    of Palestine.

    Sworn and subscribed this___
    day of................ before me,
    do solemnly and
    (b) Solemn affirmation.
    178 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 10Lli. September, 1925
    (Article 19(1) (e)).
    16th September, 1925.
    sincerely affirm that I will be faithful and loyal to the
    Government of Palestine.
    (Signed)......................................... .........
    Affirmed and subscribed this................
    day of................ _........before me,
    (Signed).......... .... ......... ..................
    (Tide).......... ...................
    (3) The oath of allegiance sworn, or the solemn
    affirmation made, subscribed and attested as herein directed shall in every case be endorsed on the certificate of
    naturalisation to which it relates.
    (4) The oath of allegiance or solemn affirmation
    may be proved in any legal proceedings by the production,
    of the original certificate or any copy thereof certified to
    be a true copy by the Controller of the Permits Section
    of the Palestine Secretarial or by any person authorised
    by him in that behalf.
    23. The undermentioned fees shall be payable under
    the Order. No fee shall be refundable.
    (a) On declaration of option for
    Turkish or other nationality under Article 1. 45 P.T.
    (b) On application for a certificate 45 P.T. (lo
    o f Pal esti n i a n c i tizen s h i p by a n at i ve o f be reta i ned b y
    Palestine resident abroad under Article 2. the Consul on
    behalf of the
    British Government).
    (c) On receipt of such a certificate
    of Palestinian citizenship
    50 P.T. (To
    he forwarded
    to the Government of Palestine).
    (d) On declaration by a Turkish
    national resident in Palestine under Article 4. 25 P T.
    (e) On the grant of a certificate of
    Palestinian citizenship under Article 4. 25 P.T.
    ff) On application for a certificate of
    Palestinian citizenship under Article 5. 25 P.T.
    (g) On application for naturalisation
    under Article 7 or 9 (2). 50 P.T.
    (li) On grant of certificate of naturalisation under Articles 7 and 0 (2). 50 P.T.
    (i) On application for resumption of
    Palestinian citizenship by a widow under
    Article 7 (4). 25 P.T.
    (j) On grant of Certificate of naturalisation under Article 7 (4). 45 P.T.
    (k) On declaration of alienage under
    Article 9 or 14. 45 P.T.
    (1) On declaration of retention of
    Palestinian citizenship under Article 42 (4). 45 P.T.
    (m) On declaration of resumption of
    Palestinian citizenship under Articles 12
    (2) and 44. 45 P.T.
    (n) For a certified copy of any declaration or certificate. 5 P.T.
    High Commissioner,.

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