""JOIN us !!!" - In your hatred and support of the destruction...

  1. 386 Posts.
    ""JOIN us !!!" - In your hatred and support of the destruction of Israel - really!? No thanks.

    What are your thoughts on the Hamas slaughter of Jews and Israelis and others? What are your thoughts on Hezbollah's daily attacks and the rest? Be honest. "
    Of course I'm going to be honest.
    How else do did you imagine that?
    Why would I not want to be straight and honest when discussing these issues?
    It wouldn't make sense otherwise, would it?

    First, have you watched that ~12min short twitter/X clip of Stephen Kapos, a Holocaust survivor?
    He says in it that he cannot understand to this day why some of his family members, also survivors, having witnessed all the evil of the concentration camps, subsequently migrated to Israel, and when Stephen travelled to meet them he realised that they became rasists. And you can clearly see that it pains him a lot.

    How can this be that all that evil they'd witnessed, and suffering they must have endured, didn't make his family members better and compassionate people? Instead, they, in a way, followed their opressor-Nazis and became rasists and evil as well. And good chances are that this is the case with other Jews.

    To your question:
    I'm assuming that you and 822-190 are here voicing your genuine opinions, otherwise this whole discussion wouldn't make sense.

    What both of you are repeatedly failing to do is to view this coflict in context of what's been happening to the Palestinians, even some years before 1948. Give it some thought, don't just jump to writing your response to this post.

    Put yourself in the shoes of Gazans and the West Bankers.
    These people have been under occupation for decades !!

    I like to use analogies or put myself in the shoes of others when I come across something that seems, at first, hard to understand.

    Try to relate to it this way:
    Imagine you are an adult Gazan and live there with your family including children.

    What are the prospects that you would see for your children?

    They've been born there in this sealed off camp (largest in the world open-air jail?), can't travel overseas, can't move freely beyond borders, they may have to rely on handouts from NGOs all or most of their lives if they don't find and stay employed, if they happen to have a boat then they can only travel within a few miles off the coast and the list goes on and on. If they are luck than they will be employed in Israel and will have to commute daily, etc.

    So, what else is there left for these people to aspire to?
    What future do you think they envison for themselves and their children?
    I think that most of adult Gazans look at it from the perspective - what is the future here for my children? Will they live the same life as I am?

    All while they see what the Jews are doing to them - think of hundreds checkpoints in the West Bank, people being treated with contempt and at the whim of young 18 years old soldiers (some of whom are settlers themselves).

    So, being a parent to your Gazan children, wouldn't you think that it's OK or even desirable that they take up arms and fight for a better future for their own children and for your grandchildren?

    Hamas has to fight, they have no other choice.
    Who else is going to do fighting for the Gazans?
    Arab nations? They have never really done much for them.
    Last edited by puntah: 13/05/24
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