"Barak is a staunch opponent of Bib, is considered somewhat of a...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 45
    "Barak is a staunch opponent of Bib, is considered somewhat of a political potz, will say whatever he can to defame his opponents, and has also approved the transfer of millions to Gaza so that the economy can run.
    Ami Ayalon on the other hand has suggested Israel needs to release fanatical arch terrorist Marwan Bargouthi and negotiate with him.
    Politicians, as you do, will say what they want and how they want to achieve their goals and agendas at any point in time."

    Typical Jewish response. As soon as they say something you don't like to hear, don't investigate.. just ignore. Presumably as Netanyahu is a politician, I don't have to believe him, or any of the other godless creatures in the Israeli administration.

    "Indeed I am - You also assume way too much in your arrogance - as obnoxious fools do.
    I work and mingle with and am connected to all walks across the political and demographic spectrum, gain insight, deep understanding and knowledge of what is really going on - and without any speck of doubt you are wrong about all your assumptions and idiotic concocted conclusions you waste so much time trying to fight for in your wee little insignificant and ignorant vacuum."

    So your other side of the world existence is superior to mine you think?
    You're an IT dude, brainwashed at birth. You believe in myths and have a solid dose of vulgur Jewish superiority mixed with a generous helping of victimhood. I doubt you have read even a 100th of what I have read, so you stick to granting permissions to servers and talk in binary code and victim loops.

    "Here's the big man of ethics against all violence expressing his concern for 2 million innocents (c80% of whom condone the massacre of Jews and want Israel wiped off the planet - Results from a Palestinian university poll) but is deadly silent in his cess pool of hatred at the near 10 million innocent Israels being terrorised by Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and co."

    Total false flag. Israel wants the fight, they won't get the land any other way. The evidence is too great to ignore. Listen to you, you're a debauched stupid individual. Israel is a violent killing nation, formed on terrorism against allies, maintained by the same. Constant conflict ahead.
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