"Hell, Netanyahu should have sent the $1.4 Billions to me....

  1. 7,233 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 45
    "Hell, Netanyahu should have sent the $1.4 Billions to me.

    Thereafter, I will address him as Lord Bibi, the great.

    Bibi, pls send them in gold and bitcoin thanks."

    @screenbender has given us an update on this issue of Netanyahu approving $1.4 billion to Hamas (the same Hamas that Netanyahu does not trust as they are Amalek). Normally, screenbender will defend Jews and never doubt their word on any matter. In his eyes doubting a jew is tantamount to antisemitism, and, as you may know, we can't have any of that.

    On this occasion screenbender has broken with tradition. He is claiming that the 3 particular Jews in the X video I circulated (those Jews confirming Netanyahu's reasons for handing over the cash to Hamas had nothing to do with "humanitarian aid") are in fact Jews with a political agenda. As such the old bender suggests they will probably be lying. It's extraordinary that screenbender will decide Jews are lying for personal or political gain right at the point they start saying things that are not in the interests of current Israeli policy. Who'd have thought that would happen?

    Normally questioning a Jewish opinion is the first step on the road to another tragedy, but this time, with these Jews, it's ok. It just so happens that they're also saying things that screenbender doesn't want anyone to hear.

    Just one more strange coincidence.
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