"Begin never said that, it’s been shown a fake in the past, yet...

  1. 7,035 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 45
    "Begin never said that, it’s been shown a fake in the past, yet you repeat it."

    It's been "shown" .... what by that bastion of integrity, the honest Jewish reporters? This ex PM was a terrorist who killed his supposed allies without batting an eyelid. He announced he was a terrorist of the world and still he was a PM of Israel.

    I'd focus on that and every other appalling thing these people say before anything else.

    The constant accusation of "lying" from a Jewish warmonger who can't explain why saying Palestinians in 2024 shouldn't have poked the bear is any different to saying Jews in 1933 shouldn't have poked the bear?

    Don't worry, you don't see it yet, but plenty of sleepy people are seeing the truth of this despicable hypocrisy old boy. They're not censoring social media and hastily passing brutally restrictive laws for no reason.
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