eric Eric, you posted,Snooker, re getting things wrong did you...

  1. 5,748 Posts.
    eric Eric, you posted,

    Snooker, re getting things wrong did you see the SBS doc last night where they showed how the Sudanese govt BEGGED the the FBI, CIA...anyone, to come and check out Bin Laden. Didn't happen...they were too arrogant and you know the result...

    I don't what what time it was on but by the time I get back from the synagogue it's at least 3/4 hour or more after nightfall and the furthest thing from my mind at that time, is SBS.

    Next, I know that all sorts of games go on behind the scene even amongst friends.

    Why the US did or didn't do anthing about Bin Ladin, then, really doesn't matter as much as what needs to be done now....Right now!

    However in the context of what I was posting about, the US despite the impression that donkeys like Sofa or Pear Annal would have HC readers believe, was that the US and Israel are allies.

    Allies have sipts and spats just like siblings but when their common interets are in jeopardy the team up.

    You think that Israel is backed by the US because they are holding a gun at Americas head?

    Nothing could be further from the truth.

    Israel safeguards America's strategic interests in the M.E. and it's in the US's interests that Israel is strong and can continue to play this role.

    However there is one more very fundamental reason.

    America is by nature one of the most religious nations on this planet. I'm not talking about fundamental religion a la Islam.

    American Christians whilst not fundamentalist in nature have a certain ferver about themselves that sees them somehow intricatetly interwoven with the welfare of Jews and particularly Jews in Israel, the Israelis.

    They feel a kinship to the State of Israel.

    Coupled with the desire to protect it's own interests, there is no need for Israel to hold a gun at it's head or to deceive the Americans.

    Despite the harsh rhetoric that comes out from time to time from the State Dept, the Americans know exactly what is going on over in that region, and who is stonewalling and who is a criminal and who has destroyed an entire generation of children......Arafat.

    To appease world opinion they can't let the Israelis do what the Americans themselves would have done if they were faced with similar circumstances.

    So they kick up a fuss here and there, but in reality understand perfectly well the complexities of the situation and the need for a strong Israel armed to the teeth.

    Dwelling on what they could have done or should have done re Bin Ladin a waste of time at this late juncture.

    So, Israel has it's Bin Ladin....Arafat, The USA has it's Bin Ladin and the Israelis and the Americans know that they must support each other, stand firm shoulder to shoulder.

    Even Australia is waking up that it must do the same, because we don't know whether or not, we won't be facing similar problems here and without a commited ally, the USA we would be in deep s*h*i*t.

    America has no gun to our heads and we don't have a gun to their heads.

    Neither do the Israelis.

    Basically we share common values and common friends.

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