jews and homos&xuals

  1. 3,439 Posts.
    Jews are unusual in many respects, not a race but a religion, but more than that a cultural unity which envelopes even jews who are not even practising Judice (sic).

    They reside in most countries (unless dramatically persecuted), they figure largely in the arts, they are disproportionately represented among political and public service ranks, they are close knit and insular and in some cases, wear extravagant headwear and garb.

    What other group has all these characteristics? Why are Jews so unique?

    There is only one other group that mirrors all these characteristics in equal amounts. Homes&xuals, of course!

    Homos&xuals have all these traits in abundance. Jews and homos&xuals have a lot in common when you think about it, and so I wonder ...... when will we have a homos&xual state where homos&xuals can ... feel safe from persecution and .... be themselves???
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