jews and homos&xuals, page-32

  1. 3,439 Posts.
    Anti-Semitism and Heteros&xism: Common Constructs of Oppression
    by Moshe Rozdzial, PhD

    All oppressions, borne of misinformation directed
    towards the "Other" in our society, have common roots.

    For in every case the goal is the unjust,
    destructive, and unequal distribution of power. And
    although there is no specific hierarchy of oppression,
    the context within which it manifests itself--
    history, economics, or politics--makes some forms
    thereof more closely related than others.

    I propose that the elements that define the oppression
    of homos&xuals, known as heteros&xism, and
    homophobia, as its major form of expression, are
    directly analogous to the oppression of Jews, known
    as anti-Semitism. To understand the former while
    disregarding the latter is to overlook the most potent
    of historical lessons. More precisely, I believe that
    these two oppressions share many elements that are
    deeply roo ted in the psyche of our culture, and, as
    anti-Semitism has gone underground and heteros&xism
    has become institutionalized, the hatred and
    scapegoating of Jews has, almost effortlessly, been
    transferred to homos&xuals.

    Homos&xuals and Jews are feared and despised not
    because they can be identified as outwardly
    different, but precisely because of the relative ease
    with which both can be disguised. Both groups share
    the capacity to "pass", as either straight or
    gentile, respectively, and therefore are objects of
    suspicion and even as sources of conspiration. This
    has resonance especially in connection with the fear
    that centers upon children, for homos&xuals are
    viewed not only as furtive perpetrators of pedophilia,
    but as proselytizers of the gay "lifestyle". These
    fears echo the blood libel and kidnapping charges of
    historical anti-Semitism, when Jews were accused of
    ritual slaughter of Christian children. This was seen
    in this country in the trial of the Rosenbergs and
    in the recent murder of Dr. Schlepian.

    Within the psychology of group hatred both Jews and
    homos&xuals are viewed as wielders of political and
    economic power. Under the scrutiny of the prejudiced
    eye, they are charged with promoting "special rights"
    and are blamed for social ills and misfortunes. These
    same accusing voices, that exclude those without
    power in the political arena, would never deny the
    overwhelming majority its political voice.

    Moshe Rozdzial, Ph.D., is a child of holocaust
    survivors, a psychotherapist and former research
    scientist, and co-chair of the National Council of
    the National Organization of Men Against S&xism
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