Jews in the Bush AdministrationAri Fleischer White House Press...

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    Jews in the Bush Administration

    Ari Fleischer White House Press Secretary
    Josh Bolten Deputy Chief of Staff
    Ken Melman White House Political Director
    David Frum Speechwriter
    Brad Blakeman White House Director of Scheduling
    Dov Zakheim Undersecretary of Defense (Controller)
    Paul Wolfowitz Deputy Secretary of Defense
    I. Lewis Libby Chief of Staff to the Vice President
    Adam Goldman White House Liaison to the Jewish Community
    Chris Gersten Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families at HHS
    Elliott Abrams Director of the National Security Council's Office for Democracy, Human Rights and International Operations
    Mark D. Weinberg Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Public Affairs
    Douglas Feith Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
    Michael Chertoff Head of the Justice Department's criminal division
    Daniel Kurtzer Ambassador to Israel
    Cliff Sobel Ambassador to the Netherlands
    Stuart Bernstein Ambassador to Denmark
    Nancy Brinker Ambassador to Hungary
    Frank Lavin Ambassador to Singapore
    Ron Weiser Ambassador to Slovakia
    Mel Sembler Ambassador to Italy
    Martin Silverstein Ambassador to Uruguay
    Jay Lefkowitz Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of the Domestic Policy Council


    Assistant Secretary of Defense: Paul Wolfowitz, Undersecretary of Defense under former President Bush, former ambassador to Indonesia, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a member of the Aspen Institute’s Strategy Group, reportedly attended the 2000 Bilderberg meeting in Belgium, and was a member of the Trilateral Commission as of 2000.

    White House Press Secretary: Ari Fleischer, former 2000 Bush campaign spokesman, and previously was communications director for Elizabeth Dole's 2000 campaign. He was also the Presidential Transition Spokesperson 2000-2001.

    Deputy Chief of Staff: Joshua B. Bolten, policy director for the 2000 Bush campaign.

    Chief Counsel: Jay Lefkowitz, former law partner of Kenneth W. Starr.

    Deputy Assistant to the President for Appointments and Scheduling: Brad Blakeman, who spent two years as Lead Advance Representative for Bush/Cheney 2000 and also worked in the same capacity for the Bush/Quayle campaigns in 1988 & 1992. From 1980-1993, he was a consultant to the offices of the President and Vice President of the United States.

    Undersecretary of Defense & Comptroller: Dov S. Zakheim, CEO of System Planning Corporation International and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

    Chief of Staff for the Vice President: I. Lewis Libby, former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, and a former lawyer for Mark Rich, whom Clinton pardoned. Libby is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

    Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs: Mark D. Weinberg, the Director of issues Management for The McGraw-Hill Companies and was Manager for Marketing Communications and Special Events for the U.S. Postal Service 1994-1999. He served as Director of Public Affairs in the Office of Former President Bush 1989-1991 and as Special Assistant to the President and Assistant Press Secretary for President Reagan 1981-1989.

    Under Secretary of Defense for Policy: Douglas Jay Feith, formerly with Feith and Zell, P.C., in Washington, D.C. He served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Negotiations Policy, 1984-1986 and was Special Counsel to Assistant Secretary of Defense Richard Peale 1982-1984. Feith is a graduate of Harvard College and Georgetown University Law Center and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

    Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division: Michael Chertoff, a Partner with Latham and Watkins in Newark, NJ. He was the U.S. Attorney for New Jersey 1990-1994 and is a graduate of Harvard University and Harvard Law School. He also advised Sen. Alfonse M. D'Amato (R-NY) during the Whitewater investigation.

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