Throw in Islamophobia and a CIA/Zionist backed ISIS, the general...

  1. 43,049 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1024
    Throw in Islamophobia and a CIA/Zionist backed ISIS, the general mugs will swallow anything. Iraq WMD is a classic and I am sure plenty will jump into this conflict including Ukraine because Western propaganda uses the rudimentary comic book of Good v Bad subliminally and it works each time. I should know having swallowed hook, line, and sinker on that WMD.

    Notice with Zelensky down to his brown underpants, the propaganda is now banging on the Russians about invading Europe (Dominoe theory). Zionists have unfortunately exposed themselves for who they are, just Nazis in different uniforms and baggage. Strange don't you think that when Zionists murder Semites, if you should criticize the Zionist's actions, you are an anti-semite?
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