Joe Biden on why Australia is a great place

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    Listened to USA Vice President Joe Biden present to audience at a Boeing’s Aerospace site at Port Melbourne and to inspect its 787 Dreamliner project.

    His presentation reminded me what a great place Australia is and why our prospects in a very competitive world are still very good.

    He emphasised our values, our stability, our rule of law, democracy. We are a country that protects intellectual property that makes us an attractive place with which to do business and to  also engage in high tech production including undertaking research and innovation. How right he is. Companies that operate here wont be subject to the political instability and lack of fair and equitable laws that occurs in many other countries. Australia is solid, is decent and the Australian middle class, that is ordinary workers and their families underpin our countries prosperity and stability.

    Joe Biden, made the point that when the middle class are doing well it benefits the whole community. The poor benefit and so do the rich. They are the core that lifts up the whole country. Below is an extract of other points he made to the management and employees at Boeing.

    "About 200 Boeing employees gathered to hear Mr Biden speak.
    "You're among the most productive workers in the world," he said.
    "That's why the future belongs to those countries that engage in fair trade, those countries that engage in empowering their workforce, those countries that engage in practices that are totally consistent with the conduct of international commerce."
    His speech came after a tour of the factory which is the only Boeing site in the world to make a component for the 787 Dreamliner, which helps the plane take off and land.
    It is his last official event in Melbourne before flying to Sydney later today.
    There he will meet with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Mr Shorten for formal talks.
    Mr Biden flies out of Australia on Wednesday.”
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