Joe Bidens Trainwreck Presidential Debate, page-2

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    BIDEN: “I’m not opposed to the Justice.”

    FACT: Biden and Harris have both publicly opposed Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court, despite glowing reviews from the legal community and her colleagues.

    • Biden put out a statement in opposition to Judge Barrett’s nomination.

    • Biden’s running mate, Kamala Harris, tweeted that she strongly opposed Judge Barrett’s nomination.

    BIDEN: “There’s a hundred million people with preexisting conditions and [their insurance will] be taken away as well.”

    FACT: Biden’s claim has been called “misleading,” and President Trump has said he will always protect Americans with pre-existing conditions.

    • Just last week, President Trump signed an Executive Order making it the official policy of the federal government to protect those with pre-existing conditions.

    BIDEN: “So the thing that should happen is we should wait. We should wait and see what the outcome of this election is, because that is the only way the American people get to express their view, who they elect as president and who they elect as Vice President.”

    FACT: History is on the side of filling the Supreme Court vacancy now, and Joe Biden previously said the President had an obligation to name a nominee, even in an election year.

    • There have been 29 prior Supreme Court vacancies in American history during a Presidential election year, and in all cases, the President nominated a Justice.

    • 17 out of 19 times the Senate has confirmed the President’s Supreme Court nominee in an election year when the President’s party controls the Senate as it does today.

    • In 2016, Biden said that he supported confirming a Supreme Court Justice in an election year “even a few months before a presidential election.”

    • Biden in 2016: “In my view, [Senators] are required to give the nominee a hearing and a vote.”

    BIDEN: “We expand Obamacare and we increase it. We do not wipe any and, one of the big debates we had, with 23 of my colleagues trying to win the nomination that I won, were saying Biden wanted to allow people to have private insurance still. They can. They do. They will.”

    FACT: Biden’s public option will crowd out private health insurance plans.

    • Biden’s government-backed “public option” will crowd out private health insurance plans, destroying the health care that 180 million Americans rely on.

    • One of the architects of Obamacare, Jonathan Gruber, said a public option would crowd out private insurance.

    • In 2009, Barack Obama admitted that a “public option” could crowd out private insurance.

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