john has timed his run to perfection, page-13

  1. 93 Posts.

    If work choices, as Labor claims, reduces wages then it must have reduced inflationary pressure from wages, since its introduction. That means there should have been no pressure on interest rate increases from the new IR Laws.

    Your response indicates that Kevin Rudd is very perceptive and knows that his propaganda will work with more Aussies than some of us had thought possible.

    The only intelligent thing Rudd could have said is: of the very little I know about economics, if these last few interest rises since the IR laws were introduced, are responsible for them then it must be because the IR laws have given higher wages.

    However our advertising guys and the unions say the opposite. Now you know I'm a good Christian and I feel guilty about being such a bare faced liar but as well as being a very good Christian I do badly want to have little John Howard's job so will you forgive me, as I'm sure God will, if I say these IR laws have reduced wages, but in a way I don't understand, they are responsible for the interest rate rises we have had since their introduction.

    So, frankly and with a straight face I can frankly say Howard's IR laws are frankly responsible for these interest rate rises.

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