john howard buggered upaustralias economy

  1. 295 Posts.
    2007-Oct-24 05:58 PM
    John Howard "buggered up" Australia's economy when he was treasurer and Labor had to fix it, former prime minister Bob Hawke said.

    Mr Hawke branded the current prime minister the worst economic manager in Australian history, pointing to Mr Howard's time as treasurer in the Fraser government.

    During that period, he said, unemployment reached 11 per cent, inflation 11 per cent and the budget deficit $9.6 billion - or $40 billion in today's terms.

    "The fact is, if you look at the question of economic management, the worst economic manager that this country's had since federation was John Howard," Mr Hawke told Sky News.

    "The day after I got elected on March 5 (1983) I had John Stone, the secretary of the Treasury in, and he gave me a written report in which he said the budget deficit which I was inheriting ... was the worst performance of any developed economy in the post-war period.

    "That absolutely buggered the Australian economy. And we had to fix it, and we did."

    Mr Hawke, a former ACTU leader, said Mr Howard owed much to the union movement and its willingness to embrace reform.

    Unions in the 1980s could have won big pay rises but worked cooperatively with the Labor government and agreed to forego wage increases to help make Australian industry more competitive.

    "It was the restructuring reforms undertaken by my government, with the full cooperation of the trade union movement, which created the strength of the Australian economy today," Mr Hawke said.

    "John Howard, rather than attacking the trade union movement, should be down on his bended knee saying 'thank you' to them."

    However, Mr Hawke conceded his government had made a mistake in its economic response to the 1987 Wall Street crash.

    The government had kept interest rates down after the crash to stimulate growth, but the market then recovered much more strongly than economists had anticipated, forcing the government to then push up rates far more sharply than it had anticipated.

    Mr Hawke said the November 24 poll would be a particularly important election, and voters now knew Mr Howard had misled them too many times.

    He questioned the prime minister's motives for wanting to hold a referendum on recognising indigenous people, after 11 years of opposing reconciliation measures.

    "This man he's had so many conversions on the road to Damascus - climate change, reconciliation - if he's going round the marginal electorates handing out money for roads, he ought to make a contribution to the government of Syria to repave the road to Damascus because he's worn it out," Mr Hawke said.

    On the republic, Mr Hawke suggested waiting until Queen Elizabeth II's reign to end before reopening the republic question, predicting 95 per cent of Australians would then support a change from constitutional monarchy.

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