John Howard - Clmate Change Sceptic, page-51

  1. 1,282 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Hang on Hang on there just a minute. I'll tell you what disgusting is all about.

    Howard was anything but the best PM for god sake. He just had zero opposition for many years otherwise he would have been kicked out years before. Cash was pouring through the doors and he completely muffed it by not accumulating/saving in the good times to prepare for the bad times.

    Sold off Telstra etc and wasted most of the proceeds on worthless exercises like digging weeds out of creekbanks and similar wasteful stupidity.

    Never had the intelligence to establish a proper sovereign wealth fund when the best opportunity was available and the huge wealth flows were coming into the country in boom times. Only reason Howard seemed ok was the huge wealth generated by our exports which should have been preserved for tough times. Several overseas countries had the intelligence to create "proper" wealth funds but not this country.

    Wasted money on illegally attacking sovereign countries in cahoots with complete criminals Bush and Blair and the WMD bulldust pack of lies which has resulted in terrorists taking over in those countries where the crude and murderous leaders ruling at the point of a gun were killed by the west. As a direct result we now suffer these maniac terror groups attacking people across the world - yeah thanks for that Johnny and Co. Foresight ? Johnny had none.

    Gave huge tax cuts across the country in successive budgets which has resulted in government now having insufficient funds to run all the largess handed out via dogooders on all sides of government as inflows of wealth dries up. Then to cap it off attempted to bribe the electorate by giving away billions more to superannuation fund retirees which adds to the huge deficits we now see. Yeah sure I benefited too but there was absolutely no sane reason to add anything to Super benefits that already existed - it was nothing but a ridiculous bribe that backfired.

    Promised to hand over to Costello then turned to a dog and refused to keep his word - thought he was some sort of messiah when he was just a total jibbering fool. That of course resulted in his losing his seat, losing government and saddling us with a series of inadequate governments of both sides. He should have been a man for a change and allowed Costello to take over and I doubt we would have ever seen Rudd as PM.

    People seem to think Labor is the only party to hand out cash to taxpayers like Rudd did in the GFC but that is just more bulldust. Even Howard did and Libs would have done similar to what Labor did when the GFC hit.

    It all woulda coulda shoulda as usual but Howard couldn't even admit his mistakes in his memoirs. Not my image of an honest man by any means. I never respect any politician who always has a fear campaign to sway the electorate - kids overboard, cargo ships with refugees aboard blocked entry, doctors accused of being terrorists - yep that was Johnnys election strategy EVERY election - fear and loathing but eventually the electorate woke up and he was booted out. Unfortunately Costello never had a chance to show if he had any ability but I am sure he couldn't have been worse than Howard.
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