KRudd lost it!It was patently clear to any impartial observer,...

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    KRudd lost it!
    It was patently clear to any impartial observer, that JH did not win the debate.
    Listening to CH9's synopsis of the ""worm's " effect one would actually think that the PM lost the debate. lol. lol.
    I think there was a worm in play here somewhere, however I'm a little perplexed as to whom the worm was targeting.
    I think like most worms, they like to be fuelled by BS to thrive, and it may be an indictment on the press, once again to portray something akin to their agenda, rather than what is really in the public interest.

    I, and those with me , witnessing the debate, found John Howard more than a match for KRudd.

    Did anyone, outside my group realise that our PM had his very capable and experienced front bench supporting him in the audience and yet KRudd had no one in his corner? Poor little Kevvie!!!! oh, boo hoo.

    Kevvie did as well as he could under the circumstances. He is, after all following up on last looser Latham, and was some measure superior to that last upstart.

    To engage in such a debate was a no win situation for John Howard, as the incumbent has a lot of defending to do after nearly 12 years in government, against hyperbolic promises from the opposition leader.

    At the conclusion of the debate, my associates and I were unanimous in our absolute respect for the Prime Minister's performance against a very worthy (very obviously manufacured contender), and have no hesitation whatsoever of statingthat despite the best endeavours of vested interests(and I will leave their identity to your judgement) the Liberals have a very real chance of retaining power, which I believe after all, is in the interest of he Australian public.
    John Howard is the right choice for the country and has demonstrated that he has the political knowledge beyond any on the opposing side.
    Simple as that.
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