john howard has thousands of deaths to answer , page-11

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Now I would have TOU'd this morally culpable post for blatant defamation - this pathetically weak, horrible and despicable post - you dareing to selectively, subjectively, label Howard "War Criminal" - and I speak from an Original Anzac's family perspective. Yes, we gave one of OURS to the WW1 War Effort - he wanted to go - volunteered. Wounded three times - went back to the Western Front - each time!
    He died young when he came home - of gassing, and resultant depression. Left a young widow - and a very young child.
    Tell you what, if he met up with you today - watch out for the punch to the jaw!

    How vile and base your hatred of Howard! To stoop to such depths. Take you all the weekend to think this one up, eh, Chuck?

    So, Chuck - let's all just lie down and die - give it all up - don't dare say "boo" to the Indonesians - roll over and let all their criminal, bribing, boat launcher crooks succeed - surrender our border controls (haven't we, already) - or, more factually, didn't RUDD do this, from the very day he first "got in" - 2007.

    watch Rudd go up there - smarmy smile pasted all over his calculating face - forelock tugging, cap in hand - cosying up, obsequiously, greaser like, surrendering Australia's Border Security to Indonesian/Yudhoyono dictate! Joining with him in belittling OUR respected Opposition Leader! TO me, and many, a traitorous act!

    Anyone read "Bonfire of the Vanities" recently? The great Tom Wolfe American novel. For here we have, I allege, another weak 'main character' "Sherman McCoy" - "MAster Bond Trader!" - yet ALL weasel words, fore-lock tugging - and conforming, chopping and changing to anything - ANY values - as long as his manoeuverings get himself richer and richer and even more personally powerful - never mind personal values, or the effects on others' lives.

    Rudd sees himself, as does the character McCoy, I allege, as yet another such "Master of the Universe". He, not yet re-elected! I predict, those Labor politicians, most allegedly sociopathic and hugely self-absorbed and self-opiniated, te people he still has left around him, the hycocrites, those who fancy themselves "Masters of the Universe" - (money and power rule) that Rudd, given enough time, will come a big fat thud! And they will come crashing down, with him. Well, any that are left!

    Trouble is, in the interim, whilst he (entirely inexplicably) seems to hold some Aussies in absolute thrall) he'll bring Australia down with him. He and his surrounding bunch of weak, hypocritical toadies - who can change their tune to the prevailing one at the drop of a hat - so weak and shallow and self interested - the ones who save themselves - cowards with No principles - the ones who've jumped into the leaky Rudd lifeboat - just to save their own hides. None of this self-serving arrogant crew, let alone Rudd, give a tinker's cuss about what becomes of Australia, or us, along with it, either!

    NBN now collapsing around him. This, the next Pink Batts fiasco.

    NBN work in a hub of theirs, in Ballarat, Victoria, today - suddenly suspended - as Contractors have chucked it in - saying they're NOT getting paid. Wonder how Rudd and his cronies will cover up, hush up, this latest disaster? Thos huge money-eating project they know they can never afford.

    ABC and "Get-Up" luvvies will think up a diversion!

    Howard was 'in' for 11 years. Thank God. Sense - and stability.

    Rudd, alleged coward, can't even call an election, Let alone re-call Parliament. He has Ms. Bryce installed (his choice) as Governor General. People now asking - is this a conflict of interest. He CANNOT keep stalling the election date - and ruling - unelected - forever! As he would like. Parliament MUST be re-called, for the sake of democracy. And Rudd would extend the Bryce tenure if he could. Rule out chances of anyone challenging him - strutting around, arrogant, petulant, defiant, phony smile plastered on - always a well chosen venbue - with lots of migrant population - of course they love him - HE let them in! Sounds like an imminent Dictatorship, to me!

    As is usual with Labor voters - most spout the stadard Party line (Communist Russia?) and have NO personal sense of decency, or fair play. Graciouness to their opponent. You'd have to be joking!

    Rudd now showing us this - he doing everything on earth to stop Abbott saying a word in Opposition to his "I'm not planning an invasion of Poland" Hitler lie-like tactics.

    NO, Labor sneerers and haters - all they know - is vile and vicious below the belts - and always, playing the man!

    If Aussies are now THIS superficial and stupid - then they deserve whatever they get. Trouble is, it's the gullible, and the stupid (e.g. Germany in the 1930's - starting with media censorship, then bans) who are so taken in - they bring their whole nation down to it's knees.

    The Machiavellian Party. Labor should change its name. Get rid of the stink of farce, shambles, and gross ineptitude. Which, if this were the Liberals, would attract huge media screamings, daily. But, because it's Labor falling to bits - NOT a whimper from the Labor luvvie dominated Press Gallery and hangers ons!

    Can anyone tell me WHAT it was which was SO attractive about Hitler - that 20 millions lost their lives because of him, world wide? The entire world thrown into upheaval - because his own people "LOVED" and "ADORED" him. Could NOT see what he was actually like??

    Rome had Nero, and Caligula. They bought their people's fickle affections - by putting on bread, and circuses.

    Rudd's doing this now - in his grossly cynical and shameless unravelling of all his own previous mad policies - just in time for an election. Shallow, facetious, calculating little man. And people rush up to him as if he's some "conquering hero" - (well, bet boat people do - that's a granted! - makes me want to be sick.)

    The same goes with regard to Rudd. Just what is it about him there even IS, to like? I just do not get it. That people are THIS stupid! But to me, its NOT stupid - he's getting all HIS own chess men in place - and this is now deadly dangerous.

    Our people now, so shallow, valid, surfacely, easily fooled.
    By sequins - and spotlights - and the now daily utter bovine excrement churning out of the Rudd primly pursed mouth.

    They seem to have totally lost the ability to see what's actually REAL!

    we're being conned! And we lie down and get taken in by it?

    Then insult and abuse the very people who DID do good things for this country - such as Howard. Whom no one could say was NOT decent.

    YOU insult Howard, Chuck. Therefore you insult all of us. For it was the majority, of us, who voted him in, time and again. Its called "democracy". Better cherish it - as it's fast disappearing. Under the weight of skewed and vicious opinions and hurled insults such as yours.

    Howard at least looked all of us in the eye. Took his GST to an election. Rudd's eyes are always glued on one thing - his OWN mirror. And his eyes, cols and hard as steel. I allege he now operates solely out of bitterness, hatred, and desire for personal revenge. Have a good look at the eyes. Which are, it is said, the mirrors of our souls.

    This country placed back in HIS hands? Have we all taken leave of our senses?
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