Amazing how plainly ignorant and stupid people are for this sort...

  1. 1,282 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Amazing how plainly ignorant and stupid people are for this sort of post. And of course big tough boys scream threats from behind a typewriter eh. Talk about sick people threatening harm to others?

    I mean saying anyone is responsible for deaths at sea other than the person buying the boat and taking the money is simply the most childish logic ever written by anyone. In fact if you want to push this childish line you must also blame the inventor of gunpowder for all the deaths by shooting in history and the inventor of splitting the atom for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Oh and why not blame the inventor of the wheel for all the car deaths in history as well.

    Sure one can blame political leaders for war deaths when troops are forced to go to illegal and unconscionable wars but one can never ever blame anyone other than the people smuggler and the client for taking the decision to cross the ocean in these shitty boats. But then I suppose likewise in your moronic logic the guy selling the boat is to blame for the deaths. Get a life and stop talking utter ****.

    You dopes never seem to realise that nobody forced anyone to get on these boats. The ADULTS took their OWN decision to risk their lives and no stupidity written on a forum will ever change that. Learn in life that people must take responsibility for their own safety. Blame the smuggler AND his client for the deaths by all means and blame the politician for the mass of people arriving here and elsewhere but show a bit of intelligence for a change. Just because it is possible to some stupid act NEVER makes it so that someone must actually do it. And obviously one can never legislate against stupidity otherwise there would be legislation to stop you from writing such drivel.

    Put the blame on those taking the action and not some hairy fairy idiotic politically motivated blame game - geez next thing you will be blaming the inventor of the boat for killing the people. Oops perhaps their father was to blame for their deaths because he should not have engaged in sex resulting in their birth.............Judging by the total lack of rational logic in your posts this makes as much sense.
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