John McCain .. the coward & criminal, page-7

  1. 7,867 Posts.
    On .... Trump was right ....

    A good insert, zulu,
    McCain's venerated and protected 'family album' will be opened page-by-page.
    With your permission, I extract this section from the site you provided.
    "There is plenty of controversy over McCain being portrayed as a hero. John McCain has done his best to keep POW information secret. In 1989, legislation began in the House of Representatives known as Truth Bill 1989 which would have compelled the complete transparency regarding all POWs and missing men from Vietnam. It included: “[The] head of each department or agency which holds or receives any records and information, including live-sighting reports, which have been correlated or possibly correlated to United States personnel listed as prisoner of war or missing in action from World War II, the Korean conflict and the Vietnam conflict, shall make available to the public all such records held or received by that department or agency.” John McCain opposed this bill with the Pentagon. He created his own legislation that restricted the number of documents to be released on POWs, which became known as the McCain Bill. This is what became law in 1991. It destroyed any access to the truth.
    Later, John McCain stuck his fingers in the Missing Service Personnel Act, which had been revised in 1995 by families demanding to know what happened to their missing family members who were POWs. The Act stated: “Any government official who knowingly and willfully withholds from the file of a missing person any information relating to the disappearance or whereabouts and status of a missing person shall be fined as provided in Title 18 or imprisoned not more than one year or both.” A year later, in a closed House-Senate conference on an unrelated military bill, John McCain, attached an amendment to the act that eliminated any such enforcement removing all criminal penalties while deliberately reducing the obligations of commanders to report on their men who were POWs or missing to the Pentagon.
    It was McCain who blocked the families from knowing what happened to their missing loved ones. Many see this as Congress aiding McCain to hide his past all to maintain this privileged position of a war hero. Meanwhile, I do not believe that anyone has ever seen the full transcript of what John McCain said for the Vietnamese. The Pentagon has a copy of the confession but refuses to release it thanks to John McCain’s legislation that was self-serving. Pentagon Refuses to Release John McCain Confession
    There were 173 men left behind. According to sources, they were simply executed by the Vietnamese when they were no longer a bargaining chip. There are other POWs who have come out opposing John McCain. Naturally, nobody is given credibility against McCain by the press or Congress.
    While this pseudo-american is being buried, his real past will continue to be exhumed until these truths become daily floggings on American conscience.

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