RBM redbank mines limited


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    ASX Announcement 15 May 2007
    A.C.N. 059 326 519
    Level 2, BGC Centre
    28 The Esplanade
    Perth WA 6000
    +61 8 9322 6045
    +61 8 9481 5557
    Email: [email protected]
    Redbank Copper Project:
    – Diamond Drilling at Redbank (Mar 2007)
    Enquiries regarding this
    announcement can be directed to
    Mr Jerome G Vitale
    Managing Director and
    Chief Executive Officer
    Dr D James Searle
    Executive Director
    Ms Susan J Field
    Executive Director
    Phone +61 8 9322 6045
    ASX Code: “RBM”
    e-lodgement, 6 Pages
    15 May 2007
    New Breccia Pipe: 64m at 2.5% Copper
    from Surface; Sulphides at Depth
    Redbank Mines Limited (ASX: “RBM”) is pleased to report
    the initial results from RC drilling completed in April 2007 at
    the historical Redbank prospect, henceforth called the
    “Redbank Target Area”. Results have been received for
    the first 4 holes as shown in Table 1. RC Hole RB07- 4
    returned 64m at 2.5% copper from surface and logging of
    diamond core from Hole RB07- 8 shows evidence of
    sulphide mineralization from a vertical depth of 200
    Table 1 also includes results from diamond core assays from
    hole RDH 33 which returned 77 metres at 2.6% Cu from
    surface. This hole was drilled in the 1970’s but has
    previously not been reported by RBM due to uncertainty of
    its collar position, now clarified by recent field work
    completed by the Company.
    The context and significance of results from hole RDH 33
    and other historical holes that have been previously reported
    by RBM, namely RDH 40 and RDH 44 which returned 30.5
    metres at 2.4% Cu from surface and 24.5 metres at 2.3%
    Cu from 6 metres respectively, are now apparent in terms of
    the definition of a new breccia pipe at the Redbank Target
    Area (refer Figures 1 and 2 and note 2 to Table 1).
    The historical surface workings at the Redbank Target Area
    are at the site of small scale very high grade near surface
    mining activities carried out in the first half of the 20th
    Century. A limited amount of shallow, mainly percussion
    drilling was carried out in the vicinity of the old workings by a
    subsidiary of Newmont in the 1970’s.
    The objective of the March/April 2007 drilling carried out by
    RBM was to test for depth extensions to the near surface
    historical workings and to establish if they were the surface
    expression of another deep seated copper mineralised
    breccia pipe similar to the copper rich pipes at Sandy Flat
    and Bluff. The Redbank Target Area is outside the current
    JORC classified Mineral Resource inventory previously
    published for the Redbank Copper Project of 4.23 million
    tonnes at 1.5% Cu for 65,000 tonnes of contained tonnes
    of copper (refer 2006 Annual report at page 6).
    Redbank Mines Limited
    ASX Announcement 15 May 2007 2
    Core from Redbank drill hole RB07-8 at 280.7m down hole, showing brecciation, calcite veining
    and sulphides, about 1.5 times magnification.
    RB07-8 Tray 44 from 277.18-281.78 Showing extensive pipe style brecciation, calcite veining with
    The assay results to date in conjunction with the drill hole logging by the Company’s geologists clearly
    demonstrate that the surface workings at the Redbank prospect are the surface expression of a deep
    seated mineralised breccia pipe. The attitude of the pipe dips steeply to the south and consequently was
    just missed by RBM’s holes RB07-1, 2 and 3, but intersected by RB07-4 reported above (refer section at
    Figure1). These results are consistent with the shallow 1970’s drilling.
    A broad intersection of brecciation and associated sulphides is evident from examination of the deep
    diamond core from hole RB07- 8 completed in April 2007. This suggests the mineralised breccia pipe
    either becomes vertical or near vertical down at a vertical depth from 200 to 250m. Assays from this drill
    hole and the remaining other 2 RC drill holes at the Redbank Target Area are still pending.
    Redbank Mines Limited
    ASX Announcement 15 May 2007 3
    Further results from the Azurite (15 RC holes and 1 Diamond hole) and Punchbowl (3 RC Holes and One
    Diamond hole) areas drilled in March/April 2007 are also pending. RC results are anticipated during the
    course of the next 2-3 weeks and diamond core results expected shortly after.
    Yours faithfully
    Redbank Mines Limited
    Jerome G Vitale
    Managing Director
    The information contained in this announcement, insofar as it relates to the current drilling, is sourced from information compiled by Dr D
    James Searle, B.Sc, PhD, MAusIMM,. Dr Searle is an Executive Director of Redbank Mines Limited and has sufficient expertise relevant to
    the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person
    as defined in the 2004 Edition of the ‘Australasian Code for Reporting of Mineral Resources and Reserves’. Dr Searle has approved the
    inclusion of the statement in the form and context which it appears.
    Redbank Mines Limited
    ASX Announcement 15 May 2007 4
    Figure 1
    Redbank Mines Limited
    ASX Announcement 15 May 2007 5
    Figure 2
    Redbank Mines Limited
    ASX Announcement 15 May 2007 6
    Table 1: Significant (>0.5% Cu) reverse circulation drill hole intercepts received to date from the
    Redbank Workings Target. Further results are pending.
    Hole Northing Easting Dec O Az O From m Intercept
    Cu %
    RB07-1 8098868 793123.6 60 180 58 1.0 0.61
    70 1.0 0.89
    75 1.0 0.64
    79 1.0 0.65
    84 1.0 0.57
    RB07-2 8098844 793087 60 090 14 1.0 0.50
    RB07-3 8098819 793083.6 60 090 12 2.0 1.08
    RB07-4 8098803 793118.2 60 000 0 64.0 2.52
    RDH-33 1 8098847 793125.1 90 0 77.0 2.60
    RDH-40 2 8098804 793127 90 0 30.5 2.40
    RDH-44 2 8098794 793127 90 6 24.5 2.30
    1 RDH33 is a rotary drill hole (diamond) drilled in the 1970’s - not previously reported by Redbank Mines
    Limited because until now its position was uncertain.
    2 RDH40 and RDH44 are rotary percussion drill holes drilled in the 1970’s - previously reported at page 7 on
    2006 Annual Report as AZDH40 and AZDH44 respectively, with mineralised intercepts calculated over
    slightly different intervals.
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