julia gillard – gone by next wednesday, page-66

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    yes - DaveMC -

    and what many people realise - albeit too late - is that Mr. Rudd was always the problem - in the first place.

    HIS policies - and SHE his Deputy. A disaster combo.

    How he ever won that 2007 election always escapes me.

    Mrs. Rudd on the Australian rich list - worth $120 million p.a.

    Why then does Mr. Rudd stick around - surely there's much greener pastures - and more challenging opporunities.

    I allege he was always the problem - first up. And is certainly NOT the solution for Australia, now. No way.

    Too moody - too petulant - too egotistical - too posy - too super obsessed with his own image. Too much strutting - and not enough substance. IMO.

    Australia, now, so much damage done, needs "humble" and "hard working". Not so-called "personalities" and hot air humbug. and back of envelope, desperately thought-bubbled rushed through policies, moreso of the heavily Leftist Socialist variety.

    Getting rid of Windsor and Oakeshott out of the equation will be a good start. The damage these two have caused to Australia, allegedly, is now incomprehensible. They've put the place back years. And have a lot to answer for. Rudd re-invented and re-hashed - more mad schemes - no.

    This is why Gillard will stay - for who else is there.
    Now relying on silly naive little schoolgirl "Twitterers" - deliberately cultivating them to prop up their vote - Labor faceless men have got rid of the few "good ones". And left us with the flotsam and jetsam. In which I include Miss. Gillard.

    She'd be dragged off kicking and screaming - and, I allege, many in her Party will be too petrified to cross her now - knowing how much she knows about them, I allege.

    No, this was all set in motion that fateful night in December 2007. The night Rudd was elected. D Day - (Disaster Day, more like it.) Even Maxine McKew lived to regret it.
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