julia gillard puts gag order on her mps

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    The Dictatorship begins...


    THE entire Labor Cabinet has been banned from talking to editors of the nation's major newspapers as Prime Minister Julia Gillard moves to stamp out leadership speculation.
    Under the gagging order, ministers must seek express permission from her office before any meeting or private talks. The extraordinary move came as Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd was yesterday accused of being a coward for failing to launch a formal challenge so the party could bury the issue once and for all.

    Victorian Labor MP Rob Mitchell, a foot soldier for Cabinet minister Bill Shorten, accused Mr Rudd and his supporters of being too gutless to challenge.
    "If someone wants to come out of a cowardly hiding and thinks they have the numbers, put up or shut up," the Victorian backbencher said.

    "And when they lose then they and their mates should just go to the backbench and then wander off at the next election.

    "There is no challenge."

    Sources have revealed Ms Gillard issued the gagging order at a Cabinet meeting last week.

    "For someone who accused Rudd of ruling with an iron fist, it was quite a turnaround," a senior minister said.
    "She has basically told everyone that they can't talk to newspaper editors without her permission."
    Another minister, who claimed it simply revealed how fragile the Prime Minister's leadership was, said it appeared to be a deliberate attempt to "set up Rudd" by creating an excuse to sack the former prime minster if he breached the Cabinet directive.

    Sources in the Rudd camp claimed a challenge might be brought on earlier than Ms Gillard's supporters realised, despite speculation he would wait until after the March 24 Queensland election.

    One MP close to Mr Rudd said the Gillard supporters were deliberately ramping up public commentary about Mr Rudd in a bid to discredit him and blame him for the government's political problems.

    "Its obvious they are trying to call his bluff," said the MP. "Or at least frame it so he gets the blame for driving down the polls."
    Mr Mitchell's attack followed similar comments made last week by Regional Affairs Minister Simon Crean, who accused Mr Rudd of being a prima donna.
    Mr Crean said the Foreign Minister would never be prime minister again.

    Ms Gillard's office last night said she would not discuss cabinet meetings or what was talked about in them.
    However, Ms Gillard has agreed to an interview to be aired on Monday's ABC Four Corners program, which Mr Rudd's backers feared would be "a hatchet job".
    Mr Rudd, however, refused to be interviewed for it.
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