Julia is facing very serious allegations, page-40

  1. 148 Posts.
    Information out of Melbourne is that more than a dozen detectives on an unlimited budget are on the brink of laying charges in the AWU Wilson/Gillard fraud case.

    One reliable source has said two major law firms should expect raids within days and explanations will be demanded regarding instances of missing documents.

    More than 50 people have been, or are yet to be, interviewed including Bill the Greek Bullshit Artist Telikostoglou, (as Julia Gillard affectionately refers to him as). He missed his flight from Athens but is now expected in Melbourne next week.

    Another reliable source has said to me, "We expect to have this all wrapped up in a few weeks, hopefully no later than March, and there will be people charged.

    "We are treating this matter extremely seriously and no stone will be unturned in ensuring the alleged culprits face justice."

    There was no indication given as to who would be charged but the level of urgency and thoroughness indicated to me (and I say indicated) there is little doubt Julia Gillard is viewed as a major player and very much a person of interest.

    Ralph Blewitt, Bob Kernohan and others, including Nick Styant-Browne, have been busy giving statements and disclosing further information to police in a veritable revolving door of witnesses coming and going at StKilda headquarters.

    In a future article (Part X of the Gillard files) I will give what I believe are the four main areas where Gillard is in serious trouble and will need to explain herself.

    But in the meantime, as cricket commentator Bill Lawrie says, "It's all happening!"
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