dtrad that's thousands of people's opinion - well, those who...

  1. 8,527 Posts.

    that's thousands of people's opinion - well, those who have two brain cells to rub together.

    Trouble is, "ordinary" Joe/Joess in the street keep believe the rubbish she spouts - and to many, this'd be AWU WHO??

    SHE's a woman. And therefore she must be good.

    Nova Peris is a woman, Who happens to be indigenous. (And now we learn, from intense DNA evidence, that Indian (sub-continent) explorers/inhabitants came here 4000 years ago and "intermingled" with our then aboriginals. Many of our indigeneous therefore must have had Indian forbearers.

    I agree with Pickering. It's as a result of the sheer vile hatred of Abbott Gillard constantly espouses, that she's put up Peris! Just out of spite, to counter the fact she so hates - that, for many many years, Abbott has generously volunteered his time to go and work, often heavilg physically, in the NT, and elsewhere, to help these communities.

    And do Gillard HAS to go one better. This ugly and devious hatred of Abbott is what keeps her awake half the night, I'll contend. The other half the night is send worrying about AWU related outcomes, I'll also contend.

    But she's relying on Power to protect her, forever - smug in the knowledge that she is top cockie - and seeing herself as therefore untouchable - and so we'll see what the laws of our land are REALLY made of, quite soon.

    For aren't the laws of the land applicable to all? That's what I thought, until now - seems to be an awful lot of dillydallying and stalling!

    Oh, I forgot. This happened ages ago. The body's cold and buried deep. SO THIS then enables the alleged murderer to get off scot free. Happened too long ago to worry about.
    Ans so an "Old" 'murder' is a lesser crime? Justice can't be bothered following it up?

    The bereaved family (us) can go to hell. Tell them to stop whining! "SHE" is the "greatest" - and seemingly unassaillable, and invincible, a Berlin wall of cronies surrounding and protecting her. (Perhaps an alleged crime in itself!).

    This all happened in the 90's - THESE alleged incidents re. the AWU - they were then allegedly heavily covered up - and no one revealed them or asked for them to be examined - (especially Gilard if she indeed WAS innocent/used up then - why didn't she fight for her job and claim unfair dismissal - as it's alleged she was asked to walk - and so what - we have to forget all about them?
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