julia tries out for shakespearean tragedy, page-2

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    the union bosses are using tactics from the "hillary playbook" used during the last US election.

    As hillary lost ground against obama's more ruthless and better funded chicago-originated and perfected political machine, hillary pulled crying jag after crying jag...

    Days turned into 2 hankie days with so many tears.

    A tear-filled crying jag was effective with women who immediately empathise with a crying woman and with men who immediately offer their support and back of from any criticism and discussion immediatly conceding victory to hillary.

    hillary's "flowing tears" and "crying jag" strategy was quite effective in temporarily reversing her vertical down-slide against obama but not effective enough to outweigh the mass of negative baggage she carried with her, the blatant media bias favouring obama, and the smoothly deceitful obama campaign targeted at duping the youth with empty hypnotic slogans.

    gillard has some of obama's advatanges with:
    - a well-oiled and well-funded ("rivers of union gold") blatantly deceitful continuous campaign
    - that is also targeted at duping dumbed down youth with empty, hypnotic slogans
    - with a massive positive media bias to provide cover for her negative baggage and complete and obvious incompetence.

    However her track record is so absolutely disasterous and her incompetence and tack of ability to do the job of PM, even as appointed stooge PM, is so blatantly obvious that it is quite likely to see that the biased media and well funded campaign will not be enough to outweigh the massive negatives.

    Expect more and more emotion-charged, tear-filled crying jags to come at every opportunity from gillard...

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