imo the allegations against Assange would be unlikely to succeed...

  1. 42,630 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 642
    imo the allegations against Assange would be unlikely to succeed in any jurisdiction other than the US. he received the information from Chelsea Manning. Assange didn't hack into or break into Govt property to steal the info. Assange viewed the documents and decided, in concert with his fellows at Wikileaks to publish in the public interest.

    what was published was redacted to a degree. the allegation that publication would cause US agents and assets to be killed remains uncertain. the last report I heard on this was a year ago and none had even been compromised at that time.

    imo Assange acted responsibly.

    what created the real problem for Assange was his fear of face ing charges in Sweden. he ran and hid in the embassy of another country making a right ass of himself, and a bloody nuisance to the embassy staff. had he gone to Sweden he might have avoided all of the imprisonment he has received. I doubt that Sweden would have done anything unconscionable such as do a deal with the US to shuffle him off in secret.

    imo he lacked courage and confidence in Sweden and this was the cause of his problems. but he should be returned to Aus all the same. if the US still want him they can apply to extradite him from here.
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