you pinched my line Cerhob -just watched it too - and thought...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    you pinched my line Cerhob -

    just watched it too - and thought she was talking about Yankee Stadium. Yet she got her "Gunnas" sorted out into very well pronounced proper "going to's."

    There's a theory that she has two accents - one for the workers she supposedly represents, and the other she bungs on when she wants to portray PM'ly "gravitas". (Or perhaps it;s her real accent?)

    I also think she's been studying, and re-studying, old tapes of Margaret Thatcher in her
    hey-dey -as at times she does a very good impression of hers, of speaking and delivery of views.

    But, tell you what - she's a great dodgems player - Chris Ullmann asked her one direct qwuestion about her intentions re. cutting back disabled payments next Budget, and she went flying off out into space on a completely different tack in streams of unrelated sentences. All of hich we have heard before. She's like a long playing record - repeated.

    Then, he doggedly asked interrupted her lengthy diatribes and asked her a series of direct questions - and she did not directly answer one of them - again relying on smiles and waving hands to distract and detract from her usual piffle.

    This was the "I am so charming and well spoken" version of Julia tonight. Almost glimmers of a posh accent.

    (Practising for the royal nuptials appearance perhaps - an upper class English elecutionist has been engaged perhaps - so the pommies won't fall over laughing over her appalling Aussie whine? Yes that's it! Just occurred to me.)

    Wonder if Tim's taking lessons too - in how to wear a Top Hat. And speak with the Pommie plum in mouth.

    Rudd revelations on Q&A were just a minor blip on the radar - according to her replies tonight when pressed. It wasn't her - or Swan. Rudd will be a good boy, is a good boy, and is doing what he is told, she implied. Don't you worry about that! (I may be lying about wanting a price on carbon she was thinking - but let's look to the future is her way out of this.) Although she flatly denied that she, and Swan, were the ones Rudd referred to.

    Heavens, can she pull the personas out of the hat when it suits her! But which one IS real??

    Maybe her real forte in life was acting. Because she sure does it well.

    No matter how hard any interviewer tries, short of becoming rude, she will NEVER, EVER, EVER, give a direct answer to a direct question.

    We, the voting public, deserve much better.

    Will Rudd be good with the prize of the UN seat in mind - or will he bring the whole pack of cards down - in revenge. That is the question. Wonder what he'll decide!

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