
  1. 8,527 Posts.
    When I heard this latest brainwave of Ms. Gillard's to be announced any minute today, thought I was back in the dark days of the French Revolution. Where blood-stained revolutionairies installed "Citizens' Assemblies!". Where poeple were no longer Sir, Madam, King, or Count. After the gulliotining bloodbath, ordinary people were now termed "Citizens". (Sounds like "Comrades".

    Ms. Gillard announces today that she intends over-riding the election process and the will of the voting public. Instead, she is going to choose for herself a " Citizen's Assembly", comprising 150 randomly chosen 'ordinary' "Citizens" to advise her on THEIR opinions what they think on Climate Change.

    (Sounds like Rudd's useless "Talk Fest" of film stars, nerds, and academics and various sycophants in Parliament House early in his tenure!)
    And what a bag of air that flop turned out to be. NOTHING was what came out of it,and it cost taxpayers a fortune.)

    Not only has Gillard virtually created a Mining "Cartel" of the Big 3 miners against the other explorers, she is now installing 150 'random'? people (picked out of Sensis and telephone book records it is said) to tell her what THEY think should be done about the environment, and "Advise" her what they think her policy should be for OUR future regarding Carbon Trading Emissions and the environment.
    The results of which (of course) will not be immediately available, but will give her guidance as to what her policy should be a year or two downtrack. In fact she is talking of any decisions of hers not coming out before the end of 2012, or into 2013.

    Now is this a cop-out, or not? A cowardly way out of what would otherwise be a no-policu situation for her leading up to her election.

    Can YOU believe it - or not?? But it seems the public is asleep - or just don;t understand - or don;t care anymore.
    If they swallow this - and re-elect her - Australia's in trouble.

    NOW we have the prospect of 150 unelected unknowns, AND Bob Brown's Greens, controlling our democratically elected Government, and telling them what their policies will be.
    Talk about whimping out.

    She is doing this entirely to shut down the debate on climate change during her run up to the August 21 deadline. She can say she's done something - and shut up all her critics. wqell, most of them; some whoshould be critical say nothing because they are Left wing regardless of issues.

    150 to House of Reps.
    76 into the Senate.
    Candidates about to be elected.

    NOW - SHE will "elect" personally an additional 150 people (randomly), who will tell ALL of us - including her - that their opinions are what WE all need - and SHE needs - regarding Climate Change.

    And I read where she's pulling further ahead into the popularity as PM stakes?

    This tells me that there's a large proportion of the general public who now see this coming election as exactly that - a "who's the most popular" for PM.

    Australian Idol, Big Bother, Australia's Got Talent, Dancing with the Stars, etc. ALL huge successes - but now we have this awful public down mentality of the lowest commoin denominator that elections are some sort of popularity contest. Forget what the candidates are in terms of whether or not they are up to the job they are being voted in to do.

    By this ridiculous announcment Gillard shows us she is entirely incapable of doing anything on anything.
    Boat people, Mining, and Now Carbon Emissions.

    She does NOT have ANY policies.

    She just makes up headline grabbing STATEMENTS - and puts off all and any hard decisions and meaningful direction.

    The Australia people are being conned by Spin. Simple as that.

    How painful will the realisation be - when it is too late.

    The warm and fizzy "She's our first woman PM so therefore she must be marvelous" feeling will subside into the realities of the coming chaos we all have in store IF, indeed, she is re-elected. Which looks very likely now.


    I thought Parliament was the legally elected "People's/Citizens's Assembly".

    SHE will choose an unelected authority to overule them.

    I am now speechless.

    And very very worried.
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