july 14000 + people arriving by boat

  1. 22,698 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    Well, we are now just over half way through the year at we have eclipsed 14,000 boat people. Not a bad effort considering our record number was last year at 17,200 people.

    It is laughable that people think Australia is not a "magnet" for boat people. A boat full of Sudanese just arrived. How can anyone argue that we are not a soft touch and our government has lost control and that "boat" people are not exploiting our system.

    With so many countries in much closer proximity and also a much safer passage, then why come all the way to Australia??? The secret is out that Australia is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and us tax payers keep filling the pot for queue jumpers. But, god forbid us tax payers for having a say in how our money is spent.

    Sudan to Italy 3,600 km
    Sudan to UK 5,000 km
    Sudan to France 4,500km
    Sudan to Australia 12,000km

    PS. Another one just arrived.
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