Thanks all for your input. There is no doubt that there are some...

  1. J.L
    417 Posts.
    Thanks all for your input.

    There is no doubt that there are some quality oversold companies out there that will benefit strongly from a run in oil price.

    Here is an extract from Taipan (based in the US). Written in true glorified American fashion, but some predictions these guys have made been in the past have proved to be on the money.


    Dear Reader,

    It’s been great seeing $1.50 gas at U.S. pumps once again, hasn’t it? Seems like oil prices are the only part of our economy that’s been cooperating lately...

    And the last thing I want to do is rain on the parade. Nevertheless, over the next few minutes, I will prove to you this unpleasant truth:

    The current cheap oil trend will be history-book fodder in just 13 days.

    That’s because for the first time in history, two primary drivers of crude oil prices will coincide at the perfect moment — creating a “Bounce Multiplier” effect that could swiftly double or triple the cost of all things petroleum...

    As you know, we’ll feel this price-pain when we drive, fly, and buy just about anything tangible...

    However, as always, crisis and seismic change breeds tremendous profit opportunity.

    And boy, do I have one of these for you today. If you move fast (meaning before the “bounce multiplier” kicks in) you could see gains of 190 times your money or more in relatively short order.

    But you’ve got to hurry. By my best estimate, petroleum’s violent price rebound will begin on or about January 21st, 2009. If you’re not in on the opportunity I’m offering you today by then, it may be too late...

    Here are the “nitro” and “glycerin” factors that add up to a petro-price explosion...

    NITRO: “OPEC's History-Making Oil Ransom”

    OPEC has tasted the nectar of greed.

    Circumstances mostly beyond the cartel’s control — or their wildest dreams of profit — catapulted oil from an average price in 2007 of a then-outrageous $64.20 to an unfathomable $147 a barrel by July of 2008...

    That price spike changed everything.

    It showed OPEC how far oil has to climb before people will finally slow their consumption of it. And that bar is a lot higher than they thought...

    That’s why the racketeers in charge of OPEC summoned the cartel’s heads to an emergency summit on December 17th, 2008. That summit’s objective: Identifying the steps needed to keep petroleum prices as high as possible — starting IMMEDIATELY.

    At This Meeting, OPEC Launched
    the Biggest Price Fix in History

    Though technically illegal to “price fix,” not a bloomin’ thing can stop OPEC from cutting their collective production as much as it takes to manipulate the price of oil as high as they want it to be...

    They can literally hold crude oil for ransom.

    And that's exactly what they did. Heeding oil big-wig Iran's urging, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries announced a record production cut of 2 million barrels a day...

    Their stated goal: Boosting oil prices by more than 40% - to what Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah claims is a "fair" price: $75 per barrel.

    Other than high gas prices for the rest of time, here’s what this means for YOU:

    OPEC’s emergency meeting — plus the subsequent price controls I’m betting will be with us forever after — gives you one last opportunity right now to buy into decent gas and oil companies prices before the cost of their core commodities (oil and gas) send their share-prices through the roof...

    Like any other commodity, petroleum products have their price fluctuations. And there’s one specific annual fluctuation in gas and oil prices I call the “Petroleum Pendulum.”

    Right now, that pendulum has swung briefly to lower-priced side of the mean. But that’s NOT because of new oil deposit discoveries or radical new alternatives to fossil fuel energy — or anything else that will permanently lower the cost of oil and gas.

    It’s because of predictable and typical demand forces that happen every year. Now stay with me here...

    The vast majority of the word’s oil-consuming population is in the northern hemisphere. And in top half of the world, the summer driving and flying season is over — and the winter heating energy ramp-up is about to come into full swing.

    That means petroleum commodity prices are about to jump...

    But now, here’s the real catalyst in this explosive “Bounce Multiplier” scenario.

    EXPLOSION: January 21st, 2009

    Why January 21st? Two very simple reasons:

    One, because it generally takes about three weeks for cuts in crude oil production to begin to make real waves in the price of crude oil. And since OPEC made the biggest production cuts in history effective New Year’s Day, I figure the 21st of this month is when we’re going to start seeing the effects in the price...

    Two, because every year, the coldest day in the northern hemisphere is perennially right around January 21st. This is when the real winter petroleum demand season tends to kick into high-gear...

    Now do you see what I mean when I say we’re on the verge of a historic “Bounce Multiplier” that’ll blast petroleum prices through the roof?

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