I happened to be with my 6 year old on Saturday morning so I...

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    I happened to be with my 6 year old on Saturday morning so I popped into Joondalup shopping centre and on a whim, bought her the necklace.

    Even though I’m a bit of a drongo, with all that rubbish about what’s the go for anniversaries, I had the brains to ask the lady at the jewellery shop what was the go for a 14th anniversary ( not smart enough to remember it was the 15th) .

    The shonky female canine said gold!! I didn’t realise that she must of been part used car salesperson/lawyer

    I should of googled it.

    It was 20% off and I hummed and harred long enough that she dropped another 12.5%.

    So it was a small bonus but as I had an inkling that she was a bit “ queer”, I was a bit mischievous and told her ( lied) that it wasn’t about the price as I earned $750,000 a year, as I was leaving

    It was worth another $50 just to see that look on her face!!

    Life’s too short to not have a bit of fun at any opportunity.
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