Absolutely everything does exist in the world of no time no...

  1. 13,767 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 19

    Absolutely everything does exist in the world of no time no space - if you like in the world of 'BEING' - that is why we give the name of Human BEING because in this temporal world for a little while we act out being a human.

    There is no such thing as an accident or coincidence. There is a cause and an effect.

    Why does an acorn grow into an oak tree?

    Because the germ (or thought imprint) is in the acorn.

    It is the same for everything in the universe - all manifests from ideation (imagination) Whose imagination? From the Divine Mind. There is only One life as sugested by the name Universe - One Verse - that One Life manifests in a myriad of ways in the physical plane.

    By the by starbust what is your definition of God?

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