just a reminder the sky falls in ,11 days left, page-20

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    that report posted yesterday under the heading houses dop 8% or something....shows an increase of 10% in Melb over the past 20 years...and even country Vic a similar rise...

    its a great inflation beating investment imo

    so on just a 300k house...thats 30,000 quietly accumulating in the background for year 1, year 2 its 33,000 and so on compounding

    if one has a couple of thosse houses...double the amount
    or one house at a million it earns 100,000

    you and I know there will be little hiccups....only 5% one year...15 % another year...but in hindsight it will continue the pattern

    it is an esy way to predict the future

    been talking with scarva about SE Nsw and the black coal mine....the houses in those areas will certainly go up if the mine goes ahead....
    then every so often an outstanding event occurs .....an opportunity for everyone to share...if only they can recognise the opportunity to begin with.....

    there is probably no better an investment if you are looking for stability...or safety...
    if it works dont change it....I have had the same approach for over xx amount of years, and will continue the same format for the next 30 odd years.....
    I know its boring, just estimate capital growth of 10% pa, the rent covers the outgoings...then the tax breaks tweak it..for a modest refund....
    but I dont buy 500k + houses either.......
    we all do whatever works for us.....I never listen to the doomsayers anyway....I have better stats to back up my formula for success.
    I am not telling you anything you dont know....I just keep repeating...the other view....for the young uns....to read.
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