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just a reminder, page-16

  1. 1,198 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 60

    Just because you "can't fathom it" doesn't mean there isn't a good reason.

    100 yrs ago there were apparently 180 human organs that were "known" to be redundant or "vestigial" artefacts because the esteemed scientists of the day (who probably had an IQ higher than yours, perhaps double....) couldn't "fathom it" as far as what their purpose and function was (therefore they assumed in their arrogance that they didn't have purpose or function because they couldn't work them out) - now there are none because (surprise surprise) - all of them are now known to have important and useful functions in the modern human.

    The point of this lesson in science history is that the conclusion from your observation doesn't allow for the fact that for some people circumstances may necessitate the sale of even the most promising holdings (or in fact they might just be bone stupid as you say).

    Sometimes people don't *want* to sell, they just have to.
    Your post was fine except the last line was the one I took exception to.

    Go APG - which I might add hasn't yet *actually* delivered us the promised Plant (but which I still believe it will by the way). I can understand that some might give up the wait - I'm sure they'll learn to live with that when APG's sp finally takes off....

    Pity you don't have to have any compassion or common sense to be a shareholder.

    sasa (having a sensitive day)
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Currently unlisted public company.

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