just a thought about the us and iran

  1. 5,549 Posts.
    This is just something i read i am not supporting the US or Iran i am just looking at if there was a war between these two how might it start,,,

    America needs to be preparing for the following scenario as a high probability, but they are not.

    The only way Iran could possibly 'win' in the coming war between America and Iran would be a devastating preemptive attack against the USA's naval forces with Sunburn missiles and other weapons, and subsequently blocking the straight of Hormuz. America needs to prepare for this possibility now, but it is not. Ther is an armada of ships inside the straight of Hormuz. America needs also to get the upper hand in the war before Iran is capable of doing this. As long as Iran has control of its southern beaches and inland areas along the Persian Gulf, It has the capability to do this. America needs badly to take these beaches and a buffer just inland in order to prevent this scenario that I warn of, and they need to do it NOW.

    Iran could block the straight of Hormuz at the most opportune moment, and use Sunburn missiles to take out every single one of our ships in the Gulf, including our aircraft carriers laden with bombs and jets. The US Navy has no effective defense against the Sunburn. They would be stuck in the Gulf, and it would be a Turkey shoot for the Iranians. The Aegis system is not effective against these anti-ship missiles. Then they could keep the Straight of Hormuz blocked indefinately, stopping all shipping coming in or out of there, severely hampering or completely eliminating any invasion into Iran by American forces.

    America should remove and keep its naval forces outside of the straight of Hormuz if it is not going to take control of Iran's land along the Gulf soon. The most likely US attack secanrio is to start off the war with airstrikes against all sorts of targets for a period of time until most significant opposition is eliminated, and eventually a land invasion to control the oilfields, and a buffer along the Persian Gulf- basically the southern and southwestern part of Iran. Much of this invasion would come from the Gulf onto the beaches of Iran, the rest into southwestern Iran from Iraq. They will attempt to instigate regime change. The leaders of Iran will definately be targeted for assassination. The military draft in America will almost definately be restarted when this war with Iran gets started.

    Along with the scenario I described, Iran could at the same time launch surprise attacks against American forces inside Iraq in sort of 'Tet Offensive' style. A combined attack of this sort would be devastating and something the American public could not handle. Many American lives would be lost- in the tens of thousands. The opposition to America's involvement in the Middle East would grow to enormous proportions. The more time America goes unprepared for this scenario, the more likely Iran will be capable of successfully executing it. We cannot wait for this to happen.

    If you havent read up on the Sunburn missile, you should. The thing is an awesome ant-ship weapon, and a very serious threat to our naval forces. Like I said, Iran could literally wipe out all of our naval forces in the Gulf, including the aircraft carriers, if it wanted to, and possibly even prevent America from being able to take on Iran effectively. This is a very serious scenario that we cannot let happen, and must be prepared for, but are not.
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