Just how unhinged have the left wing been so far?

  1. 224 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Due to his promotion and support of conservative, America First policies, President Trump faced large opposition from the Left and the establishment, including from within the government bureaucracy. The Trump Administration was the victim of numerous leaks of information, many of which threatened U.S. national security – it was reported in July 2017 that leaks occurred once a day on average, and Trump faced seven times more leaks than Obama or Bush II did. The Russia probe headed by Independent Counsel and former FBI Director Robert Mueller was founded to have hired investigators extremely biased against President Trump. Left-wing federal courts also blocked many Trump Administration actions, including President Trump's executive orders regarding sanctuary cities and immigration, and Democrat attorneys general were extremely active against the Trump Administration, suing it nearly 50 times in 2017 alone.

    After his election, left-wingers labeled themselves as the "resistance" against Trump. As a testament to the deep opposition and hatred towards him by the left-wing, at least 217 violent protesters were arrested in Washington D.C. on Inauguration Day. Left-wingers committed or advocated for many other acts of violence against President Trump and his supporters. It was reported in early February 2017 that 12,000 tweets already had called for Trump's assassination. The mainstream media helped promote such violence. In addition to domestic opposition, President Trump, and by extension, the United States, was strongly opposed by non-Americans compared to the Obama Administration, despite a majority of non-Americans believing Trump to be a strong leader. The mainstream media frequently attacked President Trump and his supporters.

    In addition to the above, Senate Democrats unduly delayed President Trump's nominees at historic and unprecedented proportions – by February 8, 2017, only George Washington had fewer cabinet nominees confirmed by this length of time into his presidency. Trump's last cabinet secretary was confirmed on April 27, 2017, and his last cabinet-level member assumed office on May 15, 2017.The GOP establishment also blocked President Trump's conservative agenda.

    President Trump was still able to implement new policies and roll back Obama's policies despite the opposition against him,which served as a distraction from the changes being made. This is un-American behavior as they burn their own flags and take a knee when the National anthem is played. The left have turned into their own nations national disgrace.
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