Just leaving this one here.. (Pope Francis), page-48

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    @DBT9 et al

    - I am not anti-religious - not anti-Christian, knowing full well the great benefit particularly the inspiration which Jesus and his teaching brought initially to the world, namely the message that we are all equal in the eyes of G.d: that slave and master are equal, created equal, and beloved equally by G.d.

    This message had a revolutionary effect on the ancient world of 2000 years ago - and it still hasn't been grasped today, what a revolutionary idea and belief is at the heart of conservative and often boring 'Christianity'. Boring as it is served up nowadays, but with great drama by various Christian sects who delight in delivering to their co-religionists a message of impending death for their 'saved' and damnation or just simple 'death' for most of remaining humanity,

    Why oh why ? Why do we Christians have to denounce the human body and its needs - and believe a religion which claims we are unworthy and which claims we are born in sin and that from the moment we open our eyes in the morning, we are 'sinners'?
    I blame the Old Testament - I do not believe in those ancient shamans - yes they were shamans - whose message, visions were possibly then meaningful to their primitive sheep- and goat herders, but are by now severely distorted writings and messages still getting the attention of modern self-styled 'scholars'.

    Since its first appearance men have distorted the story of the Love of God and the message of Jesus into endless books, to re-frame his simple messages into 'he said this, he said that' mixing ancient superstitions into venerable 'books' and eventually creating an organisation which prospered and became wealthy, which split into the various opposing churches and by now into close to 45 000 different Christian 'sects'

    Imagine: - and the Tower of Babel comes to mind - imagine all 45 000 of them speaking the message of Christ in different mutually opposed, often hateful of their opponents' messages, all determined to let the world know that it is only they who know the only 'truth' there is to know -

    one more fear-inspiring than the next, their adherents raising kids with incurable trauma who spend their lives looking over their shoulders for fear of the devil. - Whilst the 'real' devils in society get off scot-free - are often active in these churches, too, making a good living by their flocks - sending them to their deaths, getting them to expect the end of the world.


    There are over 200 Christian denominations in the United States alone and close to 45 000 different Christian beliefs, sects globally
    and people on here are claiming they 'know the truth' and you can't even come to the some basic agreement here on this one site! mad.png

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