Just like the days of Noah and Lot were, so will be the days before the coming of the Lord, page-148

  1. 27,337 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Now lets use a bit of logic and commonsense shall we?
    Why the aggression @wotsup, really?
    Do you come here just to win arguments rather than to debate?
    So, based on Jesus being able to go 40 days, keeping the animals alive for 40 days (food) should have been a piece of cake. lol.
    OK, if that is true, then you are right, and so keeping thousands of animals fed and watered without any of them killing each other and then releasing them onto a planet devastated by a global flood without casualties is no more of a challenge than Jesus being able to go 40 days.
    I never realised that you could arrive at that conclusion through logic and common sense; I learn something new every day.
    Just the poisonous snakes in the open scared me enough just in Perth. There are two primary species of snakes encountered in the Perth metro area. These are Dugites and Tiger Snakes. Both of these species are DANGEROUSLY VENOMOUS, which means envenomation is potentially fatal without medical assistance.
    And that's just two of the many venomous snakes in Western Australia alone that could not interbreed to produce viable species.
    These two species would have to be captured and transported thousands of kilolmeters before air transport was avaible and kept alive on the Ark and then released back to where they come from in an environment devistated by floods before the advent of anti-snake bite Antivenom.
    I think that you underestimate the challenge of capturing just a few wild animals never mind thousands of them.
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