Just living in a Tent, page-37

  1. 86,070 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    What we need is a tent city on the front lawns of Parliament house - spring and autumn

    with mass protests from people if there are forced attempts to remove them

    Australians must learn that they are on the way to poverty paddock ----------- ALL Australians - even home owners

    and it will take people power to force all political parties to sit up and take notice and bring in decency culture

    and that involves housing people, feeding people, keeping people healthy and fit and educating people

    if Ozzies just sit on their arse like most here did for years and chanted 'best country in the world' - when clearly - shit was coming and governments did nothing - and, were proud of it -

    then Oz will be in Argentinian country quicker than they can believe

    you said 'unbelievable'

    well --------- listen up - if you think this is unbelievable ------- then, you've got no idea where the future is going for Oz without massive cultural and political change

    and we - including you, must do it ---------- no one else will

    and the best chance - is Labor and Albanese ---------- certainly not the Liberals - they set up the culture in the first place

    and before you say - oh, that pinto is full of shit --------------- this is what I told you was coming ---------- YEARS ago,

    If this was on the money --------- then someone might think that looking forward now, might give someone a bit of cred ---------------

    Date:15/05/18Time:09:28:30Post #:33094627

    hmmmm - I think we do have a crisis coming - a real crisis of massive social proportion - but, probably not the one we have been expecting.

    What I see is that if we keep up the immigration rates ----- then, along with the latest findings about dodgy bank practices - and the absolute clamping down on lending practices resulting from that - along with thing like the clampdown on interest only loans -

    what we will have is less people being able to get mortgages --

    which might result in some price correction - but, by far - by a country mile will have massive implications on the rental scene.

    What we will end up with from what I can see is massive rental demand - massive rental price rises and probably massive rises in homelessness

    How governments respond to that will be anyone's guess - given their ineptitude in the area of crystal ball gazing and putting in place mechanisms that can only be described as childish folly.''
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