''We have 3 tents in a park near Gympie rd, all very well that...

  1. 85,912 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''We have 3 tents in a park near Gympie rd, all very well that they are homeless but they lose a lot of support when they leave their crap everywhere, there is also 5 shopping trolleys there because they are too lazy to take them back, in many cases they are just grubs that cant rent a house.''

    your post reeks of an ignorance of knowledge in how many people have an almost total loss of pride, dignity, confidence and social care when they get so low as to be homeless and living rough

    let us hope for you that you never get to experience it

    and for all out there including numbers --------------- everyone is at risk

    and if you are living in a nice house in the gold coast or anywhere almost on the east coast -

    you ARE at risk - the times are different now. You can have all the money in the bank, you can have the nice home and a big fat pension fund -

    but, if a cyclone comes along and does a LOT of damage - and that includes your house and it becomes inhabitable -

    then, listen up ------- you're in deep shit. This is not decades past

    there is no spare accommodation - so, you will be in a mob of refugees going on long long rental inspections - or in a tent

    your ONLY guarantee is to move overseas where there are available houses whilst you wait YEARS for repairs or rebuilds

    again, there is no spare accommodation and there is a huge crisis in lack of trades

    even without something as big as a cyclone - just imagine right now if your lovely home burned down ----------------- where would you live?

    again - join the ranks of renters looking for digs - and it is not easy

    if you think you are secure ------- take it from me, ------- the conditions in Australia are now very different to what you are used to in decades past
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