HDR hardman resources limited

just my two cents worth !, page-6

  1. 2,077 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 26
    Yep, Great post Kahuna.

    Hope you enjoyed your break!

    My sentiment exactly. Best way to play a growth story without being out is to accumulate on weakness IMHO.
    Once Tiof comes online, HDR will be generating net revenue well in excess of $US100M being ultra conservative as well as using a very conservative POO. On a P/E of 10 which is ridiculous when considering the unlimited blue sky potential, we come to a share price beyond $2 for Chinguetti and Tiof production alone. Tevet tie in should keep production up whilst potential discoveries and developments eventuate IMHO. On top of this, I feel BG is planning LNG production as we speak which will keep revenue growing and the potential for further discoveries within the portfolio remains mind boggling. Capitaine was a surprise dud along with fidelity's sell and all the other factors you mention but the show goes on as you say. Who knows how HDR will behave in the short term but the long term trend is up fundamentally without a doubt in my mind.

    Thanks and appreciate your thoughts Kahuna!

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Currently unlisted public company.

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