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    Kalahari Minerals plc / Ticker: KAH / Index: AIM / Sector: Mining &

    4 June 2010

    Kalahari Minerals plc (`Kalahari' or `the Company')

    Final Results

    Kalahari Minerals plc, the AIM listed resource company, announces
    its results for the year ended 31 December 2009.


    - Increased interest in Extract Resources Limited (`Extract'), Kalahari's
    primary value driver, which is developing the world-class Husab Uranium
    Project (`Husab')

    - Rssing South, part of Husab, defined as the highest grade granite-hosted
    uranium deposit in Namibia and expected to be one of the top five global
    uranium deposits by contained metal and a total resource in excess of 500Mlbs

    - Cost estimates demonstrate that Rssing South could support a profitable,
    long life, low cost, low technical risk uranium mine producing 14.8M lbs U3O8
    per year, making it one of the world's largest uranium mines

    - Kalahari and Extract have solidified key relationships in Namibia and
    assembled a team of high calibre experts in order to advance Rssing South
    towards production

    - Rationalised corporate structure to realise value of gold, copper and base
    metal assets through a joint development agreement with North River Resources

    - Strengthened shareholder register with new strategic investors including
    ITOCHU Corporation, the major Japanese trading house with a strong
    relationship with the Government of Japan, and APAC Resources Limited, a major
    Hong-Kong based investment company


    - Two capital raisings totalling 37.89 million completed demonstrating strong
    investor appetite

    Chairman's Statement

    We made excellent progress crystallising the value of our interests
    in our uranium, gold, copper and base metal assets in Namibia over the past
    year, both through operational developments and through the implementation of
    key corporate initiatives.

    Our interest in Extract Resources Limited (`Extract') remains of
    paramount importance to Kalahari as our primary value driver, and we remain
    its key, highly active, shareholder with a 40.8%interest (as at 1 June 2010).
    Extract has continued its rapid development programme on its flagship project,
    Rssing South, which has a current JORC resource of 267Mlb of U3O8 at average
    grades of 487ppm and has been defined as the highest grade granite-hosted
    uranium deposit in Namibia. Importantly, both Zones 1 and 2 at Rssing South
    remain open at depth and strike indicating that the total resource for the
    project could exceed 500Mlb of U3O8, placing it amongst the largest Uranium
    assets in the world. We remain wholly supportive of Extract's rapid
    development schedule for its world-class uranium assets, and look forward to
    the next phase of development which will include both a resource upgrade and
    the publication of a Definitive Feasibility Study in the coming months.

    In order to progress its world-class uranium project to its full
    potential, Extract solidified its relationships in Namibia and continued to
    build a team of high calibre experts to advance Rssing South towards
    production. Kalahari was therefore instrumental in bringing to Extract's Board
    two exceptional Namibian nationals, Steve Galloway as Chairman and Inge
    Zaamwani-Kamwi as a Non-executive Director. In addition, in October 2009,
    Norman Green was appointed as Chief Executive Officer of Swakop Uranium,
    Extract's wholly-owned subsidiary. Norman has a huge amount of experience in
    the resource sector in southern Africa, and importantly in Namibia, through
    his commissioning of a number of mines, such as the Skorpion Zinc mine. In
    addition to this, Norman will be based in Namibia on a fulltime basis, which
    we see as vitally important in maintaining the strong relationships that we
    have developed with the local authorities.

    Post period end, Extract appointed Jonathan Leslie as its new Chief
    Executive Officer. This appointment marked the culmination of a long process
    intended to identify the best person, from an outstanding shortlist of
    industry professionals, to drive Extract forward and transform it from a pure
    exploration company to a tier one uranium producer. Jonathan has an
    exceptional level of experience in the uranium sector, particularly in
    marketing and management, stemming from his role as Managing Director of
    Rssing Uranium, Rio Tinto's subsidiary, which operates the producing Rssing
    Mine. This high profile position, which saw him responsible for overall
    marketing of all uranium from the world's largest uranium mine, established
    Jonathan as an international expert in the uranium industry and a
    well-respected figure in Namibia, with outstanding relationships with the
    Namibian government and mining agencies.

    Kalahari also instigated key initiatives during the period to
    maximise the value of its non-uranium assets. This has been achieved through
    the relationship established with North River Resources Plc (`North River'),
    aimed at fast tracking our gold, copper and other base metal projects towards
    production through a joint development agreement, and in so doing, attributing
    tangible value to these highly prospective assets. Under the terms of this
    agreement, Kalahari has retained a 44.7% interest (as at 1 June 2010) in North
    River and both myself and fellow Kalahari Director Professor Glyn Tonge have
    joined the Board of North River to ensure an open dialogue between our two
    companies in the future.

    Since forming this relationship in November 2009, North River has
    implemented an aggressive development programme focussed primarily on
    developing the key copper projects and the Namib lead zinc project towards
    production, where considerable work was previously carried out by Kalahari.

    Corporate Review

    The Company continues to focus on strengthening the relationship
    between Kalahari and both Extract and North River, as well as our position in
    Namibia, which necessitated changes to our Board to align the skills and
    experiences of our Directors with our business model. This impetus led to a
    number of new appointments at Board level.

    Mr. Neil MacLachlan was appointed to the Board of Kalahari in March
    2009, and his appointment was specifically designed to further strengthen the
    relationship and dialogue between us and Extract, through his position as a
    Non-executive Director for both companies. Mr. David de Jongh Weill also
    joined as a Non-executive Director, replacing Stephen Galloway, who stepped
    down to assume the position of Chairman of Extract. Post period end, Mr.
    Richard Lockwood also joined as a Non-executive Director, bringing with him 50
    years of experience in institutional investment and extensive experience in
    the uranium sector.

    In addition to a bolstered corporate team, we have welcomed new
    strategic investors to our shareholder register, providing further support to
    our already strong institutional backing. Since year end, recent additions to
    our shareholder base have included ITOCHU Corporation (`ITOCHU'), a major
    Japanese trading house with an established relationship with the Government of
    Japan. ITOCHU has taken a circa 15% interest in the Company and appointed a
    representative, Mr. Takashi Yasuda, to the Board to ensure the benefits of the
    strategic relationship between the two companies is maximised. APAC Resources
    Limited (`APAC'), a major Hong-Kong based investment company, has agreed to
    acquire circa 7% of Kalahari's issued share capital (4.45% as at 1 June). In
    addition to the support that these investments give to our shareholder
    register, which also includes Rio Tinto holding a circa 12.5% interest (as at
    1 June 2010), both ITOCHU and APAC's involvement with Kalahari gives us
    exposure to invaluable relationships and contacts in the Asian resource
    sector. We believe that access to this network will be highly beneficial, as
    we work together with Extract in developing the world-class Rssing South
    project towards production.

    Kalahari has a serious and vested long-term interest in Namibia,
    and in line with this, the Company listed on the Namibian Stock Exchange
    (`NSX') in October 2009. This listing underpins our ongoing commitment to
    Namibia and the development of its huge resource potential to the benefit of
    all stakeholders.

    Extract also listed on the NSX in October 2009, and we remain
    highly supportive of Extract's corporate development, including the
    Nambianisation of its board and corporate structure. In line with this,
    representatives from both Kalahari and Extract, including Jonathan Leslie,
    Stephen Galloway and myself, recently met with both the President and Prime
    Minister of Namibia, in order to provide an update on Extract's activities in
    the country. In particular, we emphasised our joint commitment to Namibia as a
    whole and our intention to continue to provide employment and other ancillary
    benefits to the Namibian people through Extract's development activities.

    Financial Overview

    - Annual increase of interest in associate Extract of 0.82% to
    40.41% (as at 1 June 2010: 40.78%). The market value of this investment at
    balance sheet date is 454.5 million, which has been achieved through
    acquiring a shareholding at an average share price of 0.82 (balance sheet
    date share value 4.64).

    - Acquisition of 44.89% shareholding in the enlarged share capital
    of North River as proceeds from the disposal of the entire share capital of
    West Africa Gold Exploration (Namibia) (Pty) Limited and Craton Diamonds (Pty)
    Limited. The market value of the investment at balance sheet date is 8.3

    - Two successful equity capital raisings undertaken during the year
    giving rise to net proceeds of 36.17 million.

    - On 7 September 2009, the Group raised a further 10 million in
    convertible loan notes.

    - Post year end, on 4 May 2010, the Group agreed to sell up to
    16,000,000 ordinary shares in the Company, generating proceeds of 29,600,000.


    The corporate initiatives that we have implemented this year have
    created a solid platform for future growth, maximising the full potential of
    our significant uranium, gold, copper and other base metal interests in
    Namibia. We believe we have assembled a strong, supportive and high quality
    shareholder register, and I look forward to working with our key strategic
    investors over the coming year, realising the considerable value of our
    interests for the benefit of all stakeholders.

    Development work at Husab and progress on the Rssing South
    Definitive Feasibility Study continues at pace, with Kalahari's full support,
    and we look forward to the resource upgrade and publication of the study,
    which is scheduled for release in the coming months. We believe that these
    developments will reiterate the global significance of Rssing South,
    confirming its potential to host one of the world's largest uranium mines.

    Mark Hohnen


    1 June 2010



    ASX 200 listed company Extract, in which Kalahari's subsidiary,
    Kalahari Uranium Limited, holds a 40.78% interest (as at 1 June 2010), is
    developing world-class uranium assets in Namibia, which Kalahari believes have
    the potential to deliver a resource well in excess of 500Mlbs of U3O8. Its
    main project, known as the Husab Uranium project (`Husab'), is located in a
    prime uranium district flanked by the Rssing Mine (69% Rio Tinto) and the
    Langer Heinrich Project (Paladin Resources Ltd). The key deposit within Husab
    is Rssing South and this is where current activity is mainly concentrated.

    Extract made rapid progress throughout the year, starting 2009 with
    the announcement of a maiden resource for Rssing South Zone 2, which brought
    the total Husab resource to 292Mlbs U3O8 at a grade of 487ppm. Following this,
    Extract announced that preliminary cost estimates indicated that Rssing South
    could support a profitable, long-life, low-cost, low technical risk uranium
    mine producing 14.8Mlbs U3O8 per year, making it one of the world's largest
    uranium mines. Given that Rssing South was only discovered in January 2008,
    the Board of Kalahari believes that this expeditious growth is outstanding.

    In order to accelerate development work at Rssing South, Extract
    has now increased drill rigs on-site from one to nineteen, spending some A$8
    million a quarter on drilling. In October 2009, Extract released a targeted
    resource at Rssing South of 452-552Mlbs U3O8, and Kalahari believes that
    Extract will achieve a figure close to the top end of this range by Q3 2010,
    when Kalahari expects a resource upgrade to be achieved by Extract.
    Importantly, resource growth is expected to come from various areas including
    from the current infill drilling that it being conducted on Zone 1 and 2, in
    addition to depth extensions in Zone 1 and 2, southern extensions to Zone 2,
    the eastern limb of Zone 2, and at depth between Zone 1 and 2.

    Progress on the Rssing South Definitive Feasibility Study
    continues to progress well and is expected to confirm the project's potential
    to be one of the world's largest uranium mines. The base case mine plan
    remains low risk, bulk tonnage, open pit mining, with ore processed through a
    conventional agitated tank leach plant. Publication of the Rssing South
    Definitive Feasibility Study is expected by Q4 2010, a slightly later
    timescale than originally anticipated, due to the fact that the resource
    continues to grow in size, which increases the time required by Extract to
    better define the ore body, and in particular to identify the high grade
    resource. This approach by Extract will ensure that an optimum development
    plan can be determined, to maximise the true potential of this outstanding
    uranium project.

    Gold, Copper and Base Metal

    In November 2009, Kalahari entered into an agreement with North
    River Resources plc whereby Kalahari's gold, copper and other base metal
    interests would be jointly developed towards production in the medium term.
    Kalahari retained a 44.7% stake (as at 1 June 2010) in North River and both
    Professor Glyn Tonge and Mark Hohnen have joined its Board as Non-executive
    Director and Non-executive Chairman respectively. We are looking forward to
    pooling our expertise and fast-tracking these assets towards production, to
    the benefit of both North River and Kalahari shareholders alike.

    North River has subsequently implemented a development schedule,
    focussed primarily on developing the key copper projects and the Namib
    lead-zinc project towards production, where considerable work was previously
    carried out by Kalahari. Various oxide processing options are being
    investigated, including ammonia leaching and oxide flotation, with the aim of
    identifying the most economic processing route ahead of scoping studies.
    Mining studies are commencing to establish the viability of trucking sulphide
    ore to nearby processing plants.

    Rehabilitation work has also commenced at the historically
    producing Namib lead-zinc underground mine, where the Company intends to
    explore for additional polymetallic (lead, zinc, silver, indium) resources.
    Work to date has focussed on site establishment and clean-up, after which the
    underground workings will be made safe. Once safety equipment and systems are
    in place, a full survey of the underground workings will be completed in order
    to identify the most attractive route to take the project into production.
    Importantly, North River is also in discussions with a metal refining company,
    as potential joint venture partner, to enable the underground mine's rapid
    exploration and development.

    At Ubib, North River is actively negotiating farm access contracts,
    following which it is intended to commence extensive field surveys aimed at
    delineating drilling targets. Early surveying and historical data has
    indicated the licence is prospective primarily for copper, gold and also
    uranium. Indeed, the tenement extends to within 30km of Rssing and Rssing
    South uranium assets. In view of this, North River has submitted an
    application for an amendment to the existing licence to include nuclear fuels,
    in order to encompass the uranium mineralisation.
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