DIO dioro exploration nl

This is interestingHere's what I think people should do.Do not...

  1. 4,933 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 320
    This is interesting

    Here's what I think people should do.

    Do not accept right away and monitor the take ups.

    If RMS are sub 10% on the Friday before the 12th then I believe that you should keep your DIO shares. Remeber that DIO has something that others want and if they want it they have to pay for it.

    If RMS 10 - 20% then the bid may be or is likely to be extended. There is no limit to how long they can extend the bid.

    If RMS 20 - 30% in the week building up to the close then RMS will feel that they have a chance to gain the remaining shares.

    The last two scenarios may see RMS increase their offer.

    RMS has to remain aggressive to gain control otherwise we will end up with a registry which is too hideous to contemplate.

    One last remaining possibility is that a fourth party comes in and make an offer that all parties can't refuse. Here's hoping.

    The best thing to do is take a 'WAIT AND SEE" approach. If RMS get close then I think they will increase their bid.


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