just saw labour moving forward ad in perth, page-80

  1. 8,527 Posts.

    I am going to leave posting in this discussion to spend more time trying to re-coup my very substantial losses in the Mining sector (somehow) - losses incurred thanks to Gillard and her Gang of Three's money grab foisted on the Mining Industry. Rudd, the Fourth, hovering in the wings somewhere. Watch for other fields of financial gold digging they'llk attack AFTER the election. Nothing will be untouched.

    Reason? Herald Sunday Sun poll today - heavily in favor of Gillard. She whops it in. All over Red Rover if polls are to be believed.

    Not prepared to spend my valuable time on political discussions any longer. My bottom line needs urgent attention. Believe very much in the cause - but will leave the floor open to others on here more capable to fight the good fight.

    If people want to vote for MORE of what is already an obvious walking diaster, then so be it.

    As the last three years has been, the next three will also be wasted as a consequence.

    Auistralia will go even further backwards - financials will worsen (Howard's war chest legacy - not Labor's Pink Batts fiasco - got us through the GFC - which was a mainly Noirthern Hemisphere disaster anyway), and then Gillard and cronies WILL get voted out.

    I predicted to anyone who'd listen at the time Rudd would be a disaster. And I was right - he was. All spin, smoke, mirrors, and ego. Pulic just didn;t see it though. Now the same thing all over again with Gillard.

    We are looking at a repeat performance from an image -
    look at her photos a few years back - NOT so glamourous!
    And most willing to overlook HER massive contributions to stuff-ups because it suits their politics. (What happened to principles?)

    Just like rock stars who fly in - fly out - having creamed millions out of screaming adorers on the basis of a glittery show with lots of smoke and tricks - she's doing the same.

    God help Australia. Maybe Abbott is NOT the solution, long term. Maybe, given the chance, he will do a great job.

    But NOTHING on earth could be worse than these inept (and too bloody old use by dated, some of them) incumbents. How is it that people can overlook - and forgive, such glaring examples of incompetence. And her cheek to ask us all to "Move Forward". (Yes, "Forget What I've Done should be attached).

    I hate the thought of the next three years under Gillard rule. And it will be just that - RULE. More socialism and central control over us and our thoughts and movements and choices. Yet more wreckage and socialist "Nanny State" manipulating. But it seems we are doomed.

    I will read, sometimes. But not prepared to invest any more of my valuable time, imagining somehow what I do helps in combating this motley, no, grossly reckless and inept, lot, if it is so uphill according to polls. If "SHE/THEY and their shambles of policies are what the public want (i.e. muck, IMO) - then give 'em muck!

    Best wishes to all in their share trading endeavours meanwhile. It's been good to debate with such lively minds.
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