From what I am seeing the 1) Labour Party will continue it green...

  1. 942 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    From what I am seeing the
    1) Labour Party will continue it green policy's to its detriment.
    2) Laboir party will continue with its taxing platform " Robing working Peter to hand out to dole bludgers Paul" just a metaphor they never learn.
    3) Labour Party will continue to cost the economy jobs by continuing it job destructive Lala land tree hugging job suppressing climate change policies
    4) Unless they return to their root constituents and start representing the working people, adopt job growth policies that reduce energy costs and save industries from moving overseas and cut the moronic utopian destructive greenie policies and all ties with the flower power fairies the next election will be even more devastating that the last .
    I was a dedicated labour voter right up to Keating then the greenie rabble infiltrated and the Labour Party gave up on working Australia and decided to sacrifice working Australia for the airy fairy tree huggers who are manipulated by the oligarchy and the hidden agenda 21 policies
    I'm afraid it will be a long, long time between drinks for Labour as they refuse to see the message the Australian worker sent to them in the election
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