Spookily sparra, that edmonds is linked up with the former WA...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 82
    Spookily sparra, that edmonds is linked up with the former WA trade guy in Japan.

    The WA govt, is trying to get the money out of him.

    Lawyers swoop as WA's Tokyo trade commissioner misses $500,000 debt deadline


    While Edman wasn’t re-elected in 2017, and is no longer on the public payroll, he was representing taxpayers and earning a six-figure salary when he and his Liberal colleague Brian Ellis headed to Japan on official business.

    Even before arriving in Tokyo, Edman displayed a level of indiscretion and immaturity that deservedly came back to bite him when the CCC made its investigation public.

    He sent text messages to the State’s man in Japan, Craig Peacock — the primary target of the CCC report — asking him to draw up an itinerary for the visit.

    “He stated that he needed to use his electoral allowance before the end of June,” the CCC report said. “In addition, he stated: ‘Which means DSD (Department of State Development) can f... themselves!!!! No need for them to control. Need to spend some $$$ Asap’.”

    During his one-off interview on 6PR this week, Edman justified that message to Peacock by saying he was “never a favourite of DSD”.

    No wonder.


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