JW headquaters, page-18

  1. 13,769 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 19
    I did reply to your post simgrund however I had better preview my posts from now on as many of my posts I notice have come up 'empty'. lost in the WWW....

    I did read a little of J Diamonds '3rd Chimp' & whilst I did not agree with everything it certainly is 'interesting'.

    This may explain the mindset of JW's especially those that read The Watchtower -FWIW the early Watchtowers had the same symbol on the cover as The Scottish Rites of Fremasonary

    The cross and crown symbol shown here is the
    exact symbol of the Knights Templar logo of
    Freemasonry. Another Masonic symbol is the
    Knights of Malta symbol, located on the right
    hand corner. The Watchtower discontinued the
    use of these symbols regarding them as
    1975 Yearbook of Jehovah's

    Check out the subliminal 'stuff'


    in part

    There doesn’t seem to be anything special in the hair… However, the reversed image reveals once again the presence of a gargoyle. Many images thus handled revealed unexpected things. At the time of the in house studies, the Jehovah’s Witnesses often go face to face with one another. The reversed image becomes perceptible then subliminal… “You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth…” 1989, p.17.

    The leaflet number 35 distributed universally: In the blue shirt, the collar forms the horns of a clearly visible demonic face. Below this, between the left arm that is shaking a hand and the face of an African character on the right-hand side. On the African character’s cap a pentagram add to the curiosity of this strange esoteric-like meeting… Below, a strange demonic character observes the scene between the two men on this same sheet.
    The triangle pendant on the necklace carried by the thief clearly contains a round
    seal Satanic symbol from the textbook of witchcraft "The Grimoire of Honorius".
    The triangle contains a black disc with a white crescent moon inset. When the
    crescent moon is facing the left (as depicted in the thief's hand), it is facing the
    direction of Lucifer.(You can live forever on paradise earth. 1989 p. 19)

    Below from the book "You can live forever in paradise on earth" p. 139-140, 1989.
    In the book “You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth … p.128”. The occult symbol known under the name of pentagram. It is on the backrest of a chair and when looked at through another angle, it represents the famous Masonic symbol!
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